The boy nodded vigorously, his sweet chocolate brown eyes wide with a mixture of fear and hope. Eddie nearly melted at the sight but hastily stood up and looked around before he could get distracted. “Think you can give it another go?” he asked as he softly stroked Venom's head, the symbiote purred and nudged his head against the teen's palm. With your condition, I can only give you a couple of seconds.” The alien replied, eyes narrowed with delight. The teen nodded in understanding, determined to get Miles out of the cold cell no matter the cost. He straightened up and took a deep breath, “Alright bud, let's do this thing.” He gave Miles a small smile and offered an awkward thumbs up shortly afterward.

The boy quickly stood up, not fully understanding what Eddie had agreed upon. “Wait, you're not gonna leave are you?” He asked quickly, fear lacing his tiny voice. Eddie quickly shook his head. “Of course not! I promise I won't leave you, er, I mean we won't leave you.” He reassured the terrified child who visibly relaxed after his reassuring words. “O...okay,” Miles mumbled and took a few steps back, his huge eyes were locked on Eddie, watching his every move.

“If you're planning on breaking down the door, there's no need to!” A voice echoed from above, Miles flinched and curled in on himself while Eddie immediately ran to the cell, standing in front of it in a protective stance. Suddenly, from above, with a bang and yelp, a figure dropped from the ceiling and landed awkwardly in front of Eddie who surprisingly stood his ground despite having a literal hero standing in front of him—not really standing— his eyes so wide they nearly popped out his skull.

“Spiderman?” He gawked after finally finding his voice to speak.

Miles instantly lit up and ran back towards the door, his face holding a wide and hopeful smile. “Whoah!Spiderman!? You're like, my favorite hero!” He claimed giddily, his fears easily washed away by the vigilante's presence. Peter chuckled as he picked himself up off the floor and dusted himself off, “thanks kiddo, you holding up okay in there?” He asked curiously, Eddie flinched when Peter neared them, taking notice of this Peter immediately stopped in his tracks and raised his hands. “Hey, I'm not here to hurt you guys, I'm here to get you out of here.” He reassured. “We can't leave yet, my friend is here,” Eddie replied hastily, hating the thought of leaving Wade behind in this hell hole after everything he did to keep them safe.

Peter froze in place and became almost statue-like. “Your friend?” He questioned, his heart throbbed with anticipation. “Yeah, Wade.” Eddie replied with a firm nod. Peter would've shot through the roof if he could, but instead he took a steady breath and nodded, trying his best to keep his cool. “I'll save him, you don't have to worry. When I get the kid out—” “It's Miles.” Eddie cut him off. Peter sighed but smiled behind his mask when he looked over at Miles who practically jumped on the balls of his feet, eager to finally be set free and brought back to his family who was possibly worried half to death over their young son's month-long disappearance.

Blazing Love (SpideyPool) {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now