Love Me Back...?

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Sal hands us each a soda then sits down next to Larry. I sit down farthest from Sal, next to Ash. I avoid any contact with Sal that I can for the fear of being embarrassed. This is going to be a long night but at least Larry and Ash are here for now. If everything goes well Larry will be staying at Sal's with us.
Ashley- "Hey! Do y'all wanna go see a movie?"
Movie! Perfect! Then I have a reason to not talk to Sal! Great!
Larry- "Ash, I love you and all but we should go bowling. It's fun and we can hang and not just sit."
No. No. Not Perfect!
Sal- "No. Wanna know what's open and giving free pizza?" Skate Land! Let's go rollerblading or skating. Depends...I guess."
Larry- "YESSS!!! We should do that!"
Ash- "That sounds pretty fun actually. Travis! You in?"
Travis(Me)- "Yeah. Sounds fun."
We walk outside Sal's apartment and Sal locks his apartment door. We walk out the front door of Addison Apartments and down the street. Larry and Ash are ahead of us talking which leaves Sal and I walking behind them.
Sal- "Have you ever been skating Travis?"
Travis(Me)- "Once with my cousin."
Sal- "Cool. It's going to be a lot of fun!"
Travis(Me)- "Well actually last time I went my cousin and everyone on the rink laughed at me.."
Sal looks upset at this and then gives an uneasy laugh.
Sal- "Why?"
Travis(Me)- "I don't know how to roller blade..."
Sal- "That's not a problem..."
Travis(Me)- "Or all."
Sal- "Oh..."
Sal looks down at the side walk.
Sal- "We can teach you. Larry and I can skate and Ash can roller blade pretty well. She can do a lot of tricks! Just ask her ex boyfriend."
I can see Sal's small wink through his mask. I laugh pretending I understand the joke. He laughs too thinking I got his joke. We arrive at the Skate Rink and get our skates. I tie my skates on and sit down waiting for Larry, Sal, and Ash. Ash gets done putting her roller blades on and gets up. She gestures at me to come with her and skate. I stand up and start stumbling a bit. Ash starts skating towards me to help me but next thing I know I'm falling into someone knocking them off their feet too. I open my eyes to realize I fell on top of Sal. Sal's eyes look perplexed as Larry stands up shocked and Ash skates over and helps me up.
Travis(Me)- "Thanks Ash...Sorry Sal."
Sal doesn't talk but gets helped up by Larry.
Ash- "You ok Travis?"
Travis(Me)- "Yeah."
Ash- "What about you Sal?"
Sal- "I'm good."
Sal laughs a bit then Ash holds my hand to help me skate while Larry and Sal go skate. Ash brings me out on the rink.
Ash- "Now Travis. It's easy to skate. You just slide one foot in front of the other and balance yourself. If you fall ignore the laughs and try to get up..if you can't Sal, Larry, or I will help you."
Ash lets go of my hand and now I'm standing still trying not to wobble.
I do what Ash told me to do and slide my feet. I'm surprised of how easy it is when your moving and not standing still. Ash realizes I can do it on my own and skates past me. Once in a while Larry, Ash, or Sal will skate past me. Larry with a head nod, Ash with a "You got this Travis!" And Sal with a wink. It was pretty fun until one thing happened.
DJ- "Ok people! Now we are putting on a song for Couples Skate! So find a partner. If you don't have a partner get off the rink!"
I try and make my way of the rink as I see Larry and Ash pair up and hold hands while skating together. I'm close to the exit when the DJ closes it off leaving me in the rink with no one. Then across the rink I see Sal with no one. Sal spots me and starts skating towards me as the song starts to play.
~Song at Beginning~
Sal makes it towards me and laughs.
Sal- "Travis, since they closed the exit on us, do you wanna skate?"
Travis(Me)- "Sure."
I slowly and nervously put my hand on Sal's and then we held hands and skated laughing and talking the entire time. Larry and Ash skate by us and laugh and make kissy faces.
Larry- "Oooo Look at Sal and Travis!!"
Ash- "Oooooo!"
Larry and Ash- "Sal and Travis sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S....WELL YOU KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN THAT TREE!"
They both laugh and Larry winks then they skate away.
Sal laughs and I do a nervous laugh. I start to stumble again from being nervous and getting butterflies in my stomach that I'm about to fall again. As I go to fall everything happens so quick that Sal doesn't even notice until he's on the floor to, with our lips touching and his mask off.

~If you don't understand when Travis was falling he grabbed onto the strap of Sals mask which caused Sals mask to unhook and Sal to be on the floor with his mask fallen off~

[FINISHED STORY]Travis Phelps Diary(Sally Face)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt