Essokinesis (Superhero)

Start from the beginning

"Oh I know that, and I do not blame him for being that way, but he must trust what he sees with his own eyes." My eyes turned to the only other man sitting in the coffee shop and I grinned. "Isn't that right, Mr Hargreeves?"

The older man did not smile when I called him out, but merely looked over to me, analytical eyes seeming to be peering into my soul. He said nothing, folding up his newspaper and walking over to where Pogo and I sat and continued to analyse me. Without a word he picked up Pogo's empty coffee cup and tossed it to me, my instincts making me destroy the mug with a single look. It crumbled into a pile of ash and landed on the table, my fingers moving and turning the ashes into a small golden phoenix.

It shook out its feathers and flew up into the air of its own volition, squawking as it went to land on Sir Hargreeves' shoulder. The man remained still and emotionless as the mythical bird nuzzled into his neck, but Pogo couldn't have helped the smile that spread across his monkey face. In the end, the older man allowed me to go to the Academy and meet the other kids, and I almost couldn't contain my excitement.

Seeing seven other children with abilities made me feel less alone in the grand scheme of things.

Number One had enhanced strength.

Number Two had enhanced breath-holding abilities and the ability to curve the trajectory of anything he throws.

Number Three could manipulate reality by lying with the phrase "I heard a rumour...".

Number Four had the ability to communicate with the dead and temporarily make them corporeal.

Number Five had vanished by the time I had gotten to the Academy, but he had the ability to jump through space and time.

Number Six could possess monsters from other dimensions under his skin.

Number Seven appeared to have no ability, but my ability told me a different story: that she was the strongest and could convert sound waves into destructive force.

They welcomed me with open arms and were amazed with my ability to do almost anything from object manipulation to life manipulation to element manipulation to reality manipulation to psionic manipulation. I learned their names - not just the numbers they were given, but the names their robot nanny gave them: Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben and Vanya. We all got along for the few weeks I stayed with them.

However, it was not meant to be.

Sir Hargreeves told me that I could no longer stay with them after I accidentally opened a door to another dimension and Ben almost got himself killed attempting to possess a monster from that dimension. Of course I understood and willingly left, not wanting to harm the ones I had come to call my family again, and that was the time things began to go wrong for those that remained at the Academy. 

One by one they left over the next few years, and Ben ended up dying without me there to manipulate his life-force and keep him from dying whilst Pogo and the robot mother to the Academy kids healed him at their own pace. Klaus became more dependant on drugs and alcohol to shut out the dead that continued to visit him, Allison became and actress, Diego became a sort of hit-man, Vanya continued to play the violin, and Luther remained at the Academy with Sir Hargreeves.

While Five was never seen again in the current time, I could see him in the future and the past, surviving and killing for the time agency thing that decided when and where things needed to happen. I felt sorry for the boy, but there wasn't anything I could have done to help him back then, maybe now, but not then. All I could do was keep an eye on him over the years in the different periods of time and make a timeline in my mind.

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