[Chapter 23]

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Sitting in this dull white room, Laura by my side. My mind running through a million different possibilities. My sister lying on that bed, less than 2 metres away from me.

I can't help but think what would've happened if that blade went deeper, would she be in more perel. Obviously she would be. Stupid question.

"Her family" Our mother doesn't know. Neither does our brother.

Only problem, I've no way to contact either of them. My heart shatters a little to realise what Jupiter has went through.

Our brother being jail and mother fuck knows where.

"Laura, I'm sorry for this happening. If you want to go back home. You can" I see Laura shaking her face, she has tears running down her cheeks.

"I am not going anywhere. You can't make me either. Your sister & I are stuck with me" I just look at her, no words come out my mouth. I try to speak, but I literally can't.

"You don't have to say anything" Good thing then.

"Just know, I won't be budging from this chair" I tilt my head to the side, thinking.

"Are you able to check the kitchen or café for a sandwich?" She sends a confused expression.

"Huh?" I chuckle and reach into my pocket, for lose change.

"Whoa, no you don't. If you want something to eat. I've got it covered" I smile at Laura, pull her into a hug and hold there tight, not letting go.

After releasing Laura and letting her leave the room for this one time only reason, I stare at my sister in the state she is in. I stand up off the chair and slowly walk towards her bed. Taking her hand into my own, I send mental thoughts thinking she'd hear them, you know being my sister and all.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I do a few checks?" I snap my attention towards the nurses' direction, she's standing at the end of the bed, clipboard in hand, the bottom of digging into her stomach, she looks at me with sympathy. I wish people wouldn't do that, my sister is going to be fine, she'll survive.

She is a fighter.

"Of course, I'll step back and let you do what you need to," I say placing my sister's hand down on the bed and heading back to my seat.

Doing so, I watch the nurses every move. One wrong step and I'd call someone to take her out, but she seems to be treating my sister with kindness and being very kind not to disturb her too much.

She changes her fluids, the one that attached by a tube above her, checks over the wound which seems to be healing and good shape.

"Will she be okay?" I know, stupid question. But I just want to know these things especially with her being my sister. The nurse just smiles and nods taking what she needs and steps back from my sister.

"She will most certainly be fine, you have no reason to worry" And with that, she picks up her clipboard and exits the room, leaving Jupiter & I alone.

A Few Moments later Laura walks back into the room with a tray of sandwiches, 2 small mugs of tea and some biscuits. She smiles at me placing the tray down on the table at the end of the bed. Taking a step in the direction of Laura is taking things off the tray and throwing stuff in the trash can at the other side of the room, I take a sandwich off the tray and open it.

A fresh cold turkey is legit the best thing this hospital could have possibly made, the tea, I am not a massive fan of, especially when they use skimmed milk which for me makes my taste buds wanna puke their guts up. BUT, I am not going to be ungrateful. I slowly take a sip, knowing the result.

"Ohh, that tea is horrible. Do you like it?" I stare at Laura in shock, maybe I don't know to pretend?

"Naw, it's horrible. I am so sorry" She shakes her head at me, waving her hand in my face gently, swiftly moving over to the sink she pours the remains of the 2 small mugs down the hatch.

"Don't be silly, I didn't make it. Hospital did, their fault"

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