[Chapter 10]

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We're all walking out the Forever 21 store, Jupiter happy as Larry with her bag in hand, with the beauty of a dress that Laura got her, not to mention, the necklace she got to with it. I was a little angry, I think the total cost came up to about £80 for both.

Let's just say, Laura was dead set on getting her it, because she gave me the death stare for even trying to stop Jupiter going to cash register.

I may have even got hit in the arm.

"Shall we get some food?" Laura smiles, running her hands together. I nod, Jupiter agrees with the biggest smile on her.

"Let's go then, head forward Jupiter, I wanna talk with your brother" She nods, running ahead a little bit. I hold my breathe not knowing what is coming.

"Listen, I wouldn't be doing this if I know I couldn't afford it. I promise, I know what I am doing. I'm more than happy to be giving you a day off and giving her a little cheer in her face. Especially with taking you and her to McDonald's, like you said yourself. You haven't been there in a while, correct?" I nod silently, watching Jupiter just as ahead of us.

"Yes, you are correct. I just don't want you to be spending money you might have saved up or wanted to spend on yourself" She nods understanding me.

"I can totally understand, but when you saved my butt yesterday, and in the shop too. I knew when you let me stay for the night, I wanted to help. I mean, you weren't going to leave the house because you didn't have enough money for it. Whereas I had some on my person, and I thought it would be nice to treat you as-well as your sister"

Without realising my own actions, I grab Laura and pull her into a hug. She lightly sighs allowing herself to fall into the hug. Enjoying it.

"Come, let's get you and your sister to McDonald's" I stare down at her, her staring up at me. Her eyes so intensely brown, sparking from the lights all around us. She has this look in her eyes that I cannot describe. It's beyond mesmerising.

I feel myself inching closer, until someone banged into me.

"Sorry man, my daughter is running a riot. Never have kids" I politely nod, accepting his apology even though it wasn't his fault.

"Your alright my man, have a good day" The gentleman salutes me and turns to run after his daughter once more. I suddenly feel empty, I look down to find Laura is missing, I look ahead and find her waiting with Jupiter by the bench.

"Are you coming?" Did I imagine Laura & I having a moment and almost kissing? I swear it was real.

"Yep, I'll catch up" They both nod, I shake my head, my hands roaming my hair.

I must be going nuts. Surely. I have to be.


I'm about to open the doors to McDonald's, the look on Jupiter's face is beyond priceless.

"Happy McDonald's Birthday Jupiter, tell me what you are wanting and I'll go and get it?" She nods dragging Laura up the front desk where the staff are waiting to take their order.

"Ross, you want anything?" I nod in her direction.

"Yeah, but I will be back in a second. Toilet" She nods looking back at the menu, waiting for Jupiter to decide. Rushing the solid oak doors to get to the male restroom, I turn the tap on and fill both hands with water and splash my face a couple of times.

Nope, the thought or memory is still there. I thought maybe I was imagining it, but I'm not.

Drying my hands on paper towels, I take one last look at my appearance and make my way back to my sister & Laura, they weren't with the staff anymore which meant they were sitting elsewhere.

"Ross, over here bro!" I snap my attention to the back or in this case the front of the fast food place and see them sitting in a 4 seater. Jupiter sneakily puts her bag next to her, meaning the only one seat left for me to sit at was next to Laura.

Oh, I see that look on your sneaky face Jupiter, that smirk on your lips. You think you can hide it, but you can't.

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