[Chapter 2]

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Yesterday, when my sister returned. She showed me 5 on the electric and 5 on the gas. She also brought me a stack of pancakes. They didn't last the night.

Today I thought would plan Jupiter's birthday. But my mind is drawing a blank. I think I will just take her to the shops, maybe something will spring to mind automatically. Who knows.

"Jupiter, you ready for the shops?" She doesn't say anything but she slams the door shut and jogs down the stairs. In her normal, a band t-shirt being covered by a checkered shirt. Her black skinny jeans and her black flats.

"Aye bro, I'm ready" I look at my sister, from head-to-toe.

"Don't you have anything not dark?" She looks at me like I just fell out of a tree.

"You know my style of dressing" She blankly stares at me and walks out the door, opening the door to our small mini and slamming it shut clipping herself in.

I sigh, shaking my head. Grabbing the house keys and my phone I walk out the door, shutting it. Locking the door shut, I walk round to the driver's side of the car.

"Jupiter, can you please not disrespect me like that. I care about you, and I don't fancy some guys eyeing you up & down" She looks at once more. I give her a sympathy look.

"I know bro, I just like expressing myself" I nod understanding her reasoning.

"Fine, just please be careful" With Jupiter nodding, I start the car and reverse out the drive-way.

With the shopping centre being a 7 minute drive away, I turn the radio on. The news is on apparently.

'Today's news, snow is heading our way, prepare yourselves'

Of course, of all days, snow has to head our way 1 day to Jupiter's birthday. Unbelievable.

We arrive at the shops a few moments later, parking the car we get our and lock the doors. With Jupiter by my side, we walk in through the double doors and head for the shops.


It's been a few hours, I've got Jupiter a new sweater of her choice, new shoes and a snapback. As this was her birthday presents, we do have rules. You choose what you want, but you don't get them until your day. Which in my sister's is tomorrow.

Last place we need to head to is the supermarket. Walking down the isles for crisps, juice and some more pasta for Italian dinners. I'm down the dolmio sauce isle, and I go to reach for the sauce as the shops seems to have moved it to the top shelf.

My instincts tell me to look down the Isle, I see a short brunette struggling to get to the herbs on the second top shelf.

Jupiter is standing next to the shopping trolley, I decide to go and help the girl. Walking towards the girl in need of help, I look back to see if Jupiter needed help. She was zoned out on her phone that our Aunt Lisa got her. It was only a silly little blackberry, but she loves it. She takes care of her belongings. Like she has been told to since she was little.

I turn my attention back to the girl I'm about to assist and she is still currently struggling. She also about to attempt to climb the shelfs. Not safe.

"Need a hand?" She snaps her attention towards me, a light smile on her small angelic face. She looks down, blushing a little.

"Please, it's the red sauce with extra spices" I look for the right jar of sauce, noticing it right away I grab a jar and hand it to the brunette.

"Thank you, I'm Laura" Okay, didn't realise we got to first name basis. Good thing?

"Hi Laura, Ross. That girl over by the trolley is my sister Jupiter" She nods smiling.

"Well I am gonna head. Bad weather heading our way. Thank you for the help. Nice to meet you both!" She nods waving her goodbyes. I turn back to my sister and she smiles at me, raising one eyebrow.

"Don't you start!" She raises her hands in surrender. Laughing whilst grabbing the trolley handle and pushing it away from me, heading for the bread Isle.

(Quick note, someone might notice this reminds them of Broken by LovinRaura1995, I wanted to point out. I will do my best to not make this like that! I came up with the idea on my own, I hadn't even read Broken when writing this. Love you all!)

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