I Take It Back You're Not Cute You're A Dick

Start from the beginning

"I have a game we can play," I said, sitting back against the head board. This bed was so fucking comfortable. I would never leave if I were him.

"Oh I have a few we can play." There was that smile again. It was kinda crooked and his eyes shun. Not going to lie it was sexy as hell.

"Creep. I mean let's ask each other questions!" I said, sticking my tongue out at him even though I would really like to play his games.


"Come on it will be fun. I ask you a few questions and you ask me some. You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Vic said, rolling his eyes at me. He leaned back against the board too, stretching out his legs on the bed. He was short but it was cute.

"Okay here it goes, when did you get here?" I figured I would start with an easy one.

"21 years ago." Vic laughed, rolling over to look at me.

"Be serious! When did you come to school, I haven't seen you around campus before that day in the library."

Vic thought about it, making this exaggerated finger to chin motion.

"I got here three years ago, I'm a junior and you probably didn't see me around in the beginning of the year because I went home every weekend."

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, actually intrigued with what he might say. Homesick? Death in the family?

"Something bad happened and I needed to be home to resolve it and be around people who loved me," Vic stated matter of factly, looking me in the eye. He never broke eye contact as he brushed my annoying hair out of my face. I think it's time for a haircut.

"What happened?" I know it was dangerous to ask but I might as well try to see what was up.

"Next question please." Vic said, turning away from me. I guess I hit a sore spot. Better recover quickly Kells.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Blue," Vic laughed, turning back to me. "Can I ask a question now?" He asked, waiting for me to say yes. I nodded.

"Why are you so attractive?" he asked, sliding in next to me. He got closer and I felt his side hit mine. I blushed like hardcore.I hated when people gave me complements because I usually don't believe them. There was something different about Vic though so in that moment I felt pretty fine.

"I don't know" I laughed, turning towards him. "I really do have to go though."

"Oh no don't even try it," Vic said putting his hand on my hip to keep me down. "There is no way I'm letting you leave now that you know some top secret things about me. I have one more question anyway, why aren't you my boyfriend?" He asked, his hand leaving my waist now playing with my hand. I shivered. I really wanted to tell him I could be but right now just wasn't the time for a relationship. I feel like I have a lot of shit going on in my life and I feel like I need to be there for Alex too. Im conflicted about every aspect of my life so it's cool.

"There's the whole thing with Alex that I need to figure out. Like we aren't together but I can't really just leave him since he's kinda messed up right now"

"I'm fucking sick of hearing about him Kellin. It's like your his own personal puppet. He doesn't want to be with you don't you get that?!" Vic's voice rose as his hand left mine. I'm sure Jaime could hear us. Vic doesn't seem like the voilent type but I'm a jumpy person so I was a little nervous.

"He's my best friend Vic. He's going through a tough time."

"You are too!"

"I'm just trying to help him out. And there are some things you don't know about me yet." Well that pissed him off even more. Good job Kells.

"Then tell me the things that I don't know about you! Tell me so I don't have to keep wondering if you're safe or not."

"What do you mean wondering if I'm safe or not? Of course I'm safe, what do you even mean? Do you think Alex hurts me?" I nearly growled, I was beginning to get annoyed and the shuffling of papers from the other room stopped so Jaime most be worried at this point too. I can't take people yelling at me especially when I really did nothing wrong. The fuck did he mean be safe??

"Don't play dumb Kellin. It's not him I'm worried about hurting you, it's you. I saw the scars on your arm that day in the library and I figured I should keep an eye on you." So this is what it was all about then. My scars. The cutting scars on my arms that haven't been touched in a few months.

"Thank you so much for taking pity on me. I bet you chalk this up at night to a good deed. Never fucking talk to me again." With that I got up and grabbed my shoes, pretty happy they were slip on Toms because that would be awkward.

"Kellin please don't, I didn't mean it like that."

"Don't. Seriously don't. I get what you were saying. Just take pity on the messed up loner. Stay away from me." And with that I stormed out with tears of anger in my eyes. Once I got the door closed I walked out into the freezing night, happy that it was too dark for people to see me shaking.

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