I Take It Back You're Not Cute You're A Dick

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The first thing your mom usually tells you before you go off to college is don't go in the forest with strange boys. I guess my mom missed that memo.

Vic and I walked past the apartments, that's where Jaime left us. "See you two later!" he called, giving me a wink as he unlocked the place with Vic's spare keys.

"So where is this lane?" I asked Vic, slowly sliding in closer to him. I was going to try and play hard to get but who am I kidding? I know what I want and I'm not going to sit around and play games.

"It's back there you see? The opening in the woods." Vic smiled staring straight ahead at the wooded area. "And you're not going back to that kid's room tonight." I chose to ignore that statement.

The woods in this area are usually thick and full of life but the December air left a few dozen skeleton trees for a forest. One pathway or I guess "The Lane" sat in the middle of the trees, their dead trunks blending in with the lightly snow covered ground.

"I'm assuming this is Dead Lover's Lane then?" I saw Vic nod from the corner of my eye; I wanted to seem indifferent so I starred straight ahead.

"So do you want to hear the story behind the name?" Vic asked pushing into the woods and stepping onto the path. Our shoe's left huge prints in the snow next to small ones from rabbits and deer. We looked like giants compared to them. We walked a ways before Vic took my silence as a yes to his unanswered question.

"There was a young couple that was in love, they went to this college together and I'm pretty sure they were juniors. Anyway, they were so in love and everyone could see it. People were jealous of them and it left them without friends, only enjoying each other's company. They would always go for walks through the forest here and meet up at night in the beginning of The Lane." Vic pointed backwards, a few yards from where we were now. "Well the girl got in a bad car accident the one night when she went out to the store. They said she died on impact, felt no pain at all they kept telling the boy that over and over again, no pain at all. The boy didn't know how to handle it. To him you only have one soul mate and that was her so what was the point of trying? He dropped all of his classes and would just wonder up and down this lane all winter. He would go to their secret meeting points and the places they would stop to kiss at. He remembered the times she would get so scared that he had to grasp her hand tightly. Finally, after a few weeks of this he hung himself on that tree at one of their meeting spots." Vic pointed to the skeleton tree and I grasped his hand and arm tightly. I was shaking so bad from the cold and not going to lie, I was a little afraid. The story was heart wrenching and I have this thing were I hate to see or think about people hanging. I can't even see it in movies. Yeah I'm talking to you The Conjuring.

"So that's why I call it Dead Lover's Lane." Vic stated, leaning on the tree.

"Vic can we go somewhere else?" I asked, looking up at the tree.

"Why? Are you afraid?" He smiled.

"Yes, actually I am." That just made him smile even more. I could just imagine the poor boy doing it and no matter if the story was true or from Vic's imagination I was still shaken up. I wonder what it would be like to lose a love like that.

We walked a little further before I made Vic turn around, the woods was creeping me out now because it was pitch black- I couldn't even see what was in front of me and I kept tripping over roots. I blame Vic for the constant shaking and my stomach tied in knots. Little fucker.

Back at Vic's apartment Jaime was on the couch studying and listening to music, soft acoustic sounds that made me feel kinda sleepy so I took a seat on Vic's bed. I was only going to relax for a minute I swear, no bad intentions.

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