Chapter 3 The Man

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I own nothing in the Harry Potter world. I'm just a huge fan.

Just as the man was about to introduce himself, Harry screamed out Uncle Moo'y. Remus looked down at Harry in amazement, and said you remember me. Harry said yes I miss you Uncle Moo'y. Remus reached down to pick up his Godson, and Harry practically jumped out of his skin. Remus took him into the living room to see what was wrong. As he was doing this, Miss Figg came in to see what was wrong. Remus said he was not sure, if she could give them some privacy and he would tell her later. Remus placed Harry on the loveseat and he seat next to him, and asked if he had hurt him. Harry looked very scared and nodded yes. Can I see whats hurting you,Harry nodded yes again. Remus pulled up Harry's oversized t shirt and what he saw made him sick. Bruises and welts covered his back. Remus was so angry all he could think was who could do this to his precious Godson. Remus quickly pulled his shirt back down. Not even bothering to ask who did it. He was just so angry he did not know what to do. ( He hoped one full moon he would find the Dursleys)

So not to scare Harry he pushed his anger down knowing he would deal with them later. He looked at Harry with sad eyes and said that looks like it really hurts can Uncle Moony fix it. Harry looked up with amazement how can you Uncle Moo'y. Tell me Harry what else do you remember about me. Harry looked up at him and said well, I know you love me, Remus smiled and said very much. Harry continued with you have a furry little problem he said with a wink of both eyes. Remus just had to chuckle with that one of course James Potter's son would remember that one. Harry looked very nervous with that one, Remus reassured him all was good. Is there anything else you remember Harry? Harry looked down at his legs and nodded his head yes. Remus said why don't you tell me. Uncle Vernon said it is not real. Harry looked up at his Uncle with tears in his eyes and said magic.

Remus was not surprised to hear the whale of a man said a thing like that. He looked down at Harry and said you remember me doing magic for you. Harry said yes but it is not real. Remus pick Harry up slowly and placed him on his lap. He looked Harry in the eyes and said magic is real and I can prove it. Really Harry said. Remus took out his wand said something under his breath and touched Harry's back with it. Harry's back tingled, and Remus said to take a look. Harry pulled up his shirt and they was no bruises or welts , and his back did not hurt at all. How did you do that Uncle Moo'y. I told you Harry magic is real. Can you show me more Uncle Moo'y. Of course Harry anything for you. So for the next hour or so Remus entertained Harry with more magic , and they had a blast. Harry fell asleep for the first time with a smile on his face.

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