"I-I do not.." darn it! "Oh, so this does not make you feel weird." He walked up to me and gentle pushed me against a wall. He put one of his arms one the side of my face, and the other on my waist. He slowly moved his thumb, on my upper thigh.

"Noo..that does not either." I had to literally force out. "Oh really?" He cocked his head to the side, and had a smirk playing on his lips. He leaned down to my ear level, and whispered in my ear.

"Does this?" He then slowly kissed under my ear lobe, and kissed down my neck. I let out a small moan, dang!! I could feel him smirk against my skin. He backed away, no don't go!

"Did that?" He turned around and walked out of my room. Great, now he knows my weakness. Ugh...I need to stay more calm.

After I had finally realized were I was, I walked down the stairs and headed for my car. Of course the guys are riding with me today. "Today, how about one you drive."

They looked at me like I had finally lost it. "Are you sure? You never let anyone drive your car." I sighed, and just got into the back seat. "I am sure, I don't feel like driving today. One of you can, but only the one that is a good and safe driver." They looked at each other, and then Jax got behind the car.

Believe it or not, Jax is actually a very safe driver. I remember when he would practice driving when we were kids, even though he was not suppose to. He was very safe, and drove really good.

I was very shocked, but he is a good driver. Then I realized that I was stuck in the back seat with Shane. Yay, oh I forgot about the deal....

"Well I guess we get the back seat to our selves today." He scooter closer to me, and put one of his arms around my shoulder. He leaned into my ear, and whispered.

"Remember the plan." I nodded my head, today I just have to trust him. "So, babe what do you want to do tonight." I wanted to scream my head off.

"I don't know, we could go to the movies." He pulled me closer to him than before.

"Sounds great princess." He kissed my cheek. I started to blush like crazy. I know I said he could do anything to me in front of him, but I am still not used to it.

I saw Jax in the mirror, and he was looking at us with a confused look. "What's going on here?" He pointed to the both of us.

"Well, since my parents wants us to date we decided that we would give it a try. Why, is it bothering you?" I knew that would get him. In a way I love teasing him, even though it's mean of me.

"No, not at all. Your parents are forcing you to do this so it's not against your will, so it's fine with me." I smiled a little, remembering our plan to make him jealous.

The rest of the car ride to school was silent. In a way I was thankful that it was, now I can think in peace. I remember the time that I was hanging out with another guy, and he had gotten really jealous.


I was at the park with Jax. We were playing on the swing sets, when I saw someone sitting by themselves. I felt bad that they were lonely, so I decided to go up to them.

I did not realize that I had left Jax by himself. Oops... When I went up to boy, he looked sad. I sat by him and just talked to him. Then Jax came up and started to yell at him.

"Get away from her!" I never seen him so mad before, until now.

End of flashback

I hated it when he got mad. Even if I just said hey to a guy, he would get all protective. I don't know really why he is like that. He can really be bipolar sometimes.

When we have finally arrived at the school, I saw Sarah waiting for me. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She was smiling like crazy.

"Well I need to tell you something, alone." She looked at the guys behind me, and they got the hint and left.

As they guys was leaving Shane had kissed my cheek. "Bye princess." I waved at him, and watched him leave. I then turned back to Sarah.

"What happened?" She was smiling and grabbed my shoulders.

"First, tell me what that was about?" I sighed, I knew I would have to explain this some point in time.

"To make Jax jealous, Shane and I decided to fake date each other. Since Jax does not really like Shane, he knew he would get jealous easy. I wanted to make him feel the same way I did when ever I saw him with another girl. Since Shane and I are suppose to be dating already, the plan just kinda worked out perfectly." She nodded, but still had a weird look on her face that I could not read.

"Alright, just make sure you don't end up hurting them. Now, the thing I have to tell you is that my parents are going on a trip, and they are wondering if you want to come. We are going to be going to New York, and we will be staying just for two weeks." She was now jumping and down and I could tell she really was happy.

"Alright I will ask, and I bet though they will say yes." She jumper up and hugged me. "Yay!! I can't wait." I am really excited about this, I need a break from they guys.


The day went by slowly, and finally it was time to go home. I was really nervous about asking my parents, not because they might say no. It's the fact that they might want to send one of the guys with me. This trip is suppose to for Sarah and me, not them.

The guys are spending the night with some friends, so I got the car right by myself. Yes...i finally get peace and quite. It has been a while since I was by myself. My brother has gone back to college, so it will just be my mom, dad, and I.

When I got home I saw my mom and dad in the living room through the window. I really just want to turn around and leave. When I went into the house, I took a deep breath.

"Hey sweets how was school?" I smiled at me my mom. "It was great, actually I have a question for both of you." I sat down on the sofa across from them.

"Sarah is going to New York, and her parents had invited me to come along. I was wondering if I could go?" I almost said that last part in a whisper. They talked to each other in a way I can't hear.

"How long will you be home?" Knew that was coming. "Two weeks that's all." I could tell they did not really like that idea, but they were thinking about it.

"Alright you can go." Is there any but? I though she would say- "If Shane and Jax go with you." Never mind, I thought I would get away with it. If that is the only way for me to go, then so be it!

I grabbed my phone and dialed Sarah's number.


Hey, have your parents made their mind yet?

Yeah, they said I can go, but I can't go unless the guys come with me.

That's fine, as long as they don't bother me and you. We will leave tomorrow afternoon, so pack your bag.

Alright, see you then. Bye girl!!

Bye, bye!!

I got out my bag, and started to get ready to pack everything up. This is going to be one fun, exciting, and interesting trip. Now, I wonder how the guys will react to this?

Hello beautiful readers, I hope all of you liked this chapter. Sorry if it's not good, or if there is any spelling errors. Have a great day, and I will try to post more soon.

Chained by a promise  (Editing) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum