mistakes were made

Start from the beginning

"Sounds fun." Carlos chuckled. His heart swelled up at the pet name she had used. He had never really gotten used to being with the girl of his dreams. Sometimes he still found himself pinching his arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Although things have been getting hectic around them with the cotillion approaching, causing Hailey to not have much time, and Carlos having tourney practice until late. They barely had time to spend together, but when they did they always made it special.

"I'd love to join you, but Jay called a surprise practice."

Hailey rolled her eyes playfully. "How dare he? Punch him in his throat for me."

Carlos laughed, the melodic sound flowing through the air around them. Hailey never would have thought she would be here at any point in her life, but she was. And she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

The white haired boy leaned down, pressing his lips against his girlfriends forehead. Hailey smiled at the gesture, never getting enough of the boy she loved.

"I will."


The library had a handful of people studying until their eyes could barely see. A couple of them had already passed out due to the exhaustion they tried to hold back.

It was almost one in the morning, and to say the red head was tired would be an understatement. Carlos had dropped by, offering to help her study, but the bags under his eyes were prominent and she didn't want to keep him up any longer than she needed.

So she sat at the round table alone, several books sprawled out in front of her. A notebook was underneath her hands, and he pen was continuously moving, writing down every piece of information she needed to study before the big test tomorrow.

Her pen running out of ink was what made her realize that she had been in there for a while. She desperately needed sleep, so she decided that the information she had would be enough.

Packing her things in her bag, she secured in around her shoulder before turning to walk out of the building filled with books.

Her plans were short lived whenever she bumped into somebody. "Oh my god, I'm sorry!"

"Don't worry about it." Hailey looked up, seeing the smiling face of Tyler. Being the daughter of Tiana meant he had the ability to make the worlds best gumbo anyone had ever tasted. He's the one in charge of the foods for the upcoming event.

"I shouldn't have been walking so uncontrollably."

Hailey chuckled at the boys lame joke, but decided against mocking him about it. "What are you doing here so late?"

"Same as you I suppose."
He told her, gesturing towards the textbook in her hand. "Plus I was finding some new recipes I wanted to try out for the cotillion."

"That sounds great." Hailey smiled at him before stepping back. "Well I should get going. I've got a big day tomorrow."

"How about I walk you to your dorm?" Tyler suggested. Hailey didn't think much of it. He was a nice guy, and he seemed pretty harmless, so what could go wrong?

Hailey accepted his offer with a smile and the two of them set off towards her shared dorm with Ally.

Mal, Evie, and her decided it was getting too cramped in their dorm, so Hailey offered to move out wince she was the only one that bothered to actually make a friend with someone out of their group.

So she moved in with Ally, who loved the idea. Since then the two girls have become somewhat close. They decided as roommates to not keep secrets and if those secrets were told they wouldn't tell a soul.

"You're still gonna make your gumbo, right?" Hailey broke the silence as the walked down the sidewalk towards the dorm building. "Everyone's been asking about it."

"Of cause I am." Tyler confirmed. " I just want to try a couple new dishes is all."

"Well I'm sure they're going to be delicious." Hailey boosted his confidence, but is was probably a bad idea considering Typer had a gleam in his eye.

They didn't say another word until they reached her room, the two of them standing awkwardly outside.

"Can I tell you something?" Tyler broke the silence this time, his voice quiet so he wouldn't disturb anyone who was sleeping. Hailey nodded, signaling for him to continue. "I think you're amazing. You're beautiful, and beyond talented. We're lucky we have someone like you working on the cotillion."

"Oh- um, thanks?" Hailey didn't know what to say. They only person to ever compliment her like that was Carlos. She felt weird accepting his comment without questioning him about it.

She didn't know what was happening until it happened. She didn't comprehend anything until she felt a pair of unfamiliar lips on her own.

Her eyes widened. Tyler was kissing her. And she hasn't stopped him yet.

Blame it on the sleep deprivation, or whatever you want, but for some reason Hailey didn't push him away until seconds later.

"What the hell dude?" She exclaimed softly, trying her best to keep her voice low. She didn't want a bunch of angry teenage girls to come after her for waking them up. "You can't just kiss me! You know I'm dating Carlos!"

"Are you really into that loser?" Tyler questioned, his eyebrows quirking up slightly. "Because from what I witnessed, you were basically flirting with me the whole way here, and you kissed me back."

"Don't talk about him like that!" She warned him, the familiar sensation of wanting to cause harm to someone resurfaced in her veins. If Tyler wasn't careful, he might just get punched tonight. "And I wasn't flirting with you! That kiss was a mistake and you should have never done that."

Without another word, Hailey opened the door that would take her to her dorm room. She shut the door in the boys face, anger bubbling inside her.

What have him the right to just kiss her out of nowhere? Everyone knew she was dating Carlos, and she was happy with him.

She didn't mean to kiss him back. It was just a spur of the moment thing, at least that's what she kept telling herself.

As she fell on top of her bed, only one thing radiated through her mind.

How was she going to tell Carlos?


And part two actually begins. How many of you guys saw it coming? It's kind of the only way i could cause angst, because we all know relationships aren't always perfect.

Glad to be back!


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