Chapter 2

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I can't go on like this much longer, I thought. I need to rest. I walked over to a tree and curled up at its base. More thoughts invaded my head as I tried to fall asleep. I shivered again, still wishing I had a jacket. An unbidden image of my parents floated in the edge of my consciousness. Tears came to my eyes as I remembered that they didn't know where I was. Then I thought I'm lost, I'll never find my way home, this was all a mistake...then my vision went black.


Wandering through the forest, I looked up. It looked like it was still midnight. A clap of thunder struck overhead and rain began pouring through the canopy of needles. Now, I thought, I'll die of hypothermia before I leave this forest. I'm soaked to the skin, frozen to the bone, and stiff. Another clap of thunder sounded overhead and a flash of lightning lighted the forest momentarily. My clothes were so wet that they draped limply around me like a second skin. Wait, I've never seen this part of the forest before, I thought. I suddenly sensed a presence to my right, and spun on my heels to face the opponent. Instead of the former ghost I anticipated, it was a wolf. A spirit wolf with foam dripping from its translucent mouth; with eyes of black flame.

I froze, not able to move. The wolf lowered its head and started moving in a slow circle around me. Somehow, I was able to recover enough to turn around and keep my eyes on the wolf. Then, it sprung. It was so unexpected and quick, that I actually jumped back because it startled me; so much that I avoided it. A new light in its eyes arose and it prepared to jump again when a dark shadow dove at the wolf fire streaming from its maw.

I jumped to my feet, a scream about to rip from my throat. However, my scream was silenced as I realized that I was in no immediate danger. I looked around for a wolf, but found nothing. It couldn't have been a dream however; it was excessively real. Was it a vision, I wondered. I've had visions before. Once, I was waking up and I saw that there would be a shooting at the theater, and then later that day, it happened. Another time I was staring at my math homework when I saw that my cousin Amanda had died, and when I got home, my parents told me she was dead. A lot like that has happened that I can't explain. Nevertheless, one thing was for sure; I really didn't want this vision to happen.

I'm starving, I thought. It must have been at least 24 hours since I last ate. I'm still freezing and now I'm dehydrated as well. I wandered for hours on end until I finally found something worth finding. In front of me, there was a fast running stream. I ran to the riverbank and cupped some water in my hands. I lifted my hands to my mouth and drank. The water was so cold I wondered how it wasn't frozen. I wandered around some more, but found nothing else. I looked around and saw a pine tree with low branches that would make a good place for the night. When I was done drinking my fill, I curled up under the branches and drifted into a light sleep.


When I woke up, I expected to see dawn, but I was sadly mistaken. Instead, I saw only the same twilight. I walked over to the stream and washed my face in the icy waters. I was still starving, it must have been at least two days since I had last eaten. I stood up and noticed that I wasn't as cold as I had been last night. I guess I'm getting relatively used to the cold, I thought. I trekked through the forest for a long time, painfully aware of the sound of my footsteps echoing through the forest. After a few hours, I sat on an exposed tree root to catch my breath. My throat was dried out and I was even hungrier. I swallowed painfully, trying to restore moisture to my throat. As soon as I had caught my breath, I stood up again and continued my lonely path.

I took a few more steps before I collapsed from hunger. I can't keep going, I thought. If I don't find something to eat, then some scavenger will eat me. I was considering chewing on some tree bark to help when I saw something. It looked like blackberries. I couldn't walk, so I crawled over to the bush. I picked a berry off and examined it. I was pretty sure it was a blackberry, but it smelled like a nightshade berry, which is poisonous. If I was wrong, I would pay for my mistake with my life. Slowly, I lifted the berry to my lips.

The second the berry hit my tongue, I winced. It was a blackberry all right, but it was so under ripe it must have just lost its blossoms. If they are under ripe, then why are they so black? I wondered, eating another one slowly. They had an odd aftertaste, as though there was shadow in the flavor. Perhaps the shadows have corrupted the berries, I thought, climbing to my feet slowly. I tore a branch full of blackberries off the bush and started walking again, eating berries as I went.

I threw the branch to the side in frustration as I tripped over a rock. My frustration quickly turned to sadness and tears spilled from my eyes as I sat down. I wonder if my parents notice I'm gone? I thought, the tears falling to the ground. I wonder, if I will ever see them again. Do they miss me? I shook my head violently to clear my thoughts. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood shakily. I took a deep breath and wiped my face on my sleeve. I gently picked up the rock and set it aside, trying to stop shaking. I tried to push any thoughts of my parents away. I licked my lips thirstily, wishing I had something to drink. The berries had left a sour aftertaste in my mouth and my throat was dry. I kept walking, trying to ignore the dryness in my throat and the dark thoughts trying to invade my mind...


The same tree root tripped me up for the third time in a row. I stumbled against a nearby tree trunk and winced as I felt my left ankle pop out of place. I took a deep breath and tried to clear away the haze of pain that had clouded my eyes. I couldn't move my toes. I took a deep breath and looked down. Instantly the pain seemed to increase as I saw my ankle. It was already swollen and twisted to the right unnaturally. It was turning a purplish color and throbbing painfully. I was panting in pain, sweat and tears mingling on my face. I have to fix my ankle, or I won't be able to walk, I thought, shaking. If I can't walk, I won't be able to survive. And I won't get back to my parents for sure.

I don't know how much longer I can keep going, I thought desperately trying to keep on my feet. My ankle was throbbing again. I saw the root beneath my feet but my mind didn't process it until I was falling. The ground seemed to be moving really fast, but I felt like I was falling in slow motion. I hit my head on a nearby tree root and the world turned black.

I stood up slowly, my ankle on fire. My throat felt like it had been scratched by sandpaper, and hunger was tearing at my stomach. I noticed that I had less energy and I seemed to be thinner. When I was standing up straight, I got dizzy and had to lean against a tree. I tried to walk, but I might have gone ten feet. I felt eyes on me.

Then I froze in fear. I suddenly sensed a presence to my right, and spun on my heels to face the opponent. I expected the ghostly figure from before, but I was disappointed. My fear increased as I saw it come towards me. It was a wolf. A spirit wolf with foam dripping from its translucent mouth; dark eyes of black flame. It crept out of the shadows, sniffing the air. Then the wolf lowered its head and started moving in a slow circle around me. Then I remembered my vision. I remembered that the wolf would spring. I was right. It leaped at me, jaws outstretched. I jumped back, spinning as the wolf skidded to a stop behind me. I almost regretted my decision, as my ankle hurt even worse now. Then, the vicious gleam appeared in its eyes as it prepared to jump again. This time, I didn't think I could avoid it. My feet planted themselves in the ground as the wolf jumped at me again. Then, a dark shadow dove at the wolf, with fire streaming from its maw.

I jumped back and watched as the two creatures fought. I winced and sat down, trying not to look at my ankle. The shadow tackled the wolf to the ground. The wolf struggled and got free, giving the winged shadow a vicious bite. The winged creature roared and the forest echoed. Then it raked its claws down the shadow wolf's back and left bloody streaks. The wolf howled in anguish and leapt backwards. I was watching and waiting until eventually the wolf, black blood streaming from its wounds, limped back to be swallowed by the shadows. Then the other creature, the one from the sky, came to me. The winged creature had blood on it too. I thought it would attack, and I backed away, covering my head and ducking down. Rather than tearing me to shreds, it came up to me and nuzzled my palm. I looked deep into its amber eyes and that's when I realized what it was. It was a dragon. The dragon from the legacy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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