The Middle Sister

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"We are next!" She yells as we laugh and stand up. "Are you sure? Your partner can't even stand." A voice replies. I recognize that voice. Stacie Conrad, the head cheerleader and by far one of the hottest girls at Barden High. "Please, you *hiccup* two are going down! Bet!" I yell grabbing a cup of some type of liquor and chugging it down. Several people cheer as I hold up the now empty cup.

"Alright delinquents, what do you want to bet?"  Ashley, another one of the cheerleaders, asks as she sets up her cups. Now its well known between my friends that Jessica has a massive crush on Ashley. So naturally Jessica took this as her moment. 

"You have to do seven minutes in heaven with *muah* if we win. And Stacie you... ummm you have to do the same with Beca." Jessica says. Thank you Jessica! Stacie's super hot and I'm more then happy with winning that. "Seriously?" Stacie says with an eye roll. "Legs you should be-be honored. I think you might *hiccup* lose on purpose for the chance." I slur. Jessica laughs and gives me a high five. Well hand- shoulder five because she missed my hand, yup still drunk.

Stacie raises and eyebrow and smirks. "Fine but if we win you two have to strip to your underwear and run around the house." Stacie says with a mischievous smile. "Doneeee!" Ashley and I yell out at the same time. Honestly my not so little secret was already out and it didn't bother me. If anything it made a lot of girls curious. Rumor got out I was amazing in bed (its true) so I had a good amount of girls in line to give it a try. And I was using them to get over my summer heartbreak, but now never letting them get too close.

Several people 'ohhh' as the game starts. Jessica lets me down and missed her first three shots. I manage to keep us in the game by nailing all mine. I was able to sober up just enough. Stacie and Ashley are steady and consistent, I need Jessica to get her shit together cause I wanna kiss Stacie.

I grab my drunk friend's shoulders and turn her to me. "Focus dude! Think about how bad you have wanted to kiss that girl and sink these shots!" I yell. And that's how we won. I get nice and buzzed again from celebration shots. People cheered as Jessica leads Ashley into the closet first. I look at Stacie who is glaring at me. "Come on legs, don't pretend ... don't pretend to be upset. I mean you will be moaning my name when I'm done kissing you." I say and chuckle, leaning against the wall.

Stacie rolls her eyes and looks down at me. "In your dreams Mitchell." She replies. I smirk and move closer to her, going on my tippy toes so I can whisper in her ear. "Oh trust me baby, my dreams are so filled with your moans." I admit. Drunk me never shuts up and is confident as fuck. She shivers as I pull away and wink.

Jessica and Ashley come out of the closet breaking us apart. How's it already been seven minutes? Jessica has on a cocky smirk and Ashley looks flustered and slightly out of it. Jessica definitely got more then a kiss. I smirk at Stacie as I hold the closet door open for her. "How chivalrous." She says sarcastically as she enters and I follow her in. This is when things took a turn.

I closed the closet door only to be slammed against it. Stacie kisses me hard. It takes me a second to recover before I kiss her back. I flip her around so that she's against the door. She moans out as I request access into her mouth, she complies immediately and our tongues battle for dominance.

I may be drunk but wow she seems like a great kisser. I roughly grab her hips and pull her closer to me. She moans as I start to kiss down her neck. She suddenly pushes me back against the other wall, making me stumble, she grabs the collars of my flannel and grinds against me. Its my turn to moan feeling just enough friction.

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