Meeting the Mother

Start from the beginning

Raven: Excuse me?! I am your mother!

Yang: And a terrible one at that! That's why after a single day I feel like (Y/N)'s mom is more of a mother to me than you after 18 YEARS!

Raven: Really? An overly paranoid, protective and passive aggressive woman? You really want THAT as a person you can all "mother"?

Yang: She beat you without even trying!

Raven: You want to try?!

Yang: YES! (Readies her weapon) Let's try right now!

Another rifle could be heard loaded and cocked. Both you and Yang turned to the entrance and saw Vernal, standing there with her rifle aimed towards Yang's head. You quickly took out your shotgun and aimed it towards Vernal.

(Y/N): Hands off my girl!

Vernal turned and looked at you and gave you some sort of sultry smile. She then turned back to Yang with the same smile and winked at you. Yang glanced between you and Vernal and she raised an eyebrow.

Yang: If you think he's going to be a push over-

Vernal: Oh, hardly. But, him in a cage and cuffs really made it all too easy.

Yang: Easy? What is she-


Yang looked back at Vernal and slowly began to grow in rage. She closed her eyes and slowly opened them back up to reveal her red eyes.

(Y/N): Yang. Now-now, w-w-wait! T-think this t-through.

Yang: I just did!

Yang punched her fists together and without hesitation, tackled Vernal through the doors of the tent and back outside. You winced a bit in frustrated and worry as Raven did a frustrated face palm and slowly got up. She walked over to you.

Raven: I really want to skin you alive right now. And maybe one of them?

(Y/N): Well, one is your lieutenant and the other is your daughter! Be a mom for once in your life and do the right thing!

Raven turned back and glared at you.

Raven: After that fight is over, you and Yang are sleeping in the tent next to mine. Then, you will join the raiding party tomorrow morning to get supplies to make up for the ones you two destroyed today.

(Y/N): We haven't-

A loud boom was heard outside and Raven looked back at you. You sighed and nodded in agreement. Together, the two of you walked outside and saw Yang and Vernal still fighting. Raven rolled her eyes and slashed downward and caused a crater to form between the two.

Raven: Are you trying to attract the Grimm! Now then, to make up for the damages you caused us, you will be in the raiding party tomorrow. Lead by me. You get one week to make ends meet, if not, you're stuck here till you do. UNDERSTAND?!

Yang gave her mother a cold stare.

Raven: Vernal. My tent. NOW!

Vernal and Yang rolled there eyes and you walked down next to Yang.

(Y/N): Let's go.

Yang: Nice to see one of us is having a good day.

(Y/N): I'm not. But it beats being killed.

The two of you walked off. Later that night, Yang was in your shared tent and you walked in, wearing an old shirt. You say Yang brushing some of her hair on the floor mat for a bed.

(Y/N): So...outside of this (points around) are you having a good day today?

Yang: It was nice. Your bed is really comfy.

You blushed as Yang laughed to herself. You didn't know what else to do in the situation as Yang pecked your cheek.

Yang: You feeling better?

(Y/N): Li-little bit. It's not by much though. Sorry to say.

Yang: Hey. Don't stress about it, (Y/N). You've gotten a lot better all things considered.

You could only smile at the words of encouragement from Yang. Despite that, you decided to lay down next to her and tried to doze off. Yang, finished with her hair, laid back down and cuddled up to you.  You wrapped your arm around her and sighed in relaxation.  

Yang: You ok?

(Y/N): Kinda.  

Yang: If you want to say something, then say it.  I won't judge.  

(Y/N): Well...seriously, don't yell or attack me for this, but I'm just going to say it: I hate your mother.

Yang: Good. You should. 

Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Reader: The Man of BraveryWhere stories live. Discover now