Chapter 2

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{Jeff's POV}

I heard a scream and a smile spread even bigger across my face. I felt blood start to dribble from the cuts in my cheek as I turned my head and looked at the burly man in front of me. Haha didn't know a man could scream that loud.

Glass pieces were thrown everywhere as I smashed small a plate over his pathetic face. You'd think I would get tired of this after killing for years and years but no, I was still filled with the satisfaeing snap of bones and screams of pain. I loved the way he screamed when I ripped his teeth out causing a symphony of coughing and blood from his mouth. It was unquestionably beautiful. His breath was leaving him. I could see it he was dying and it was pleasing. He kept wheezing and wheezing. I finished him off with a quick slit of my knife, smiling down at blood I was now covered in. This never got old, it was always fun a small pleasure that sat inside my head.

I left his house sometime later after piliging his pantry for food. I headed along the roads feeling a cold chill. I hated being cold, I hated that I had no place to go. I had a safe house, but as of recent development the police had taken it down. It made me angry, people should learn to mind their own business. I just do what I found fun. But no the police were destined to ruin it, they need to save their families. Haha I got to their families before they did and left a beautiful scene of corpses and blood.

I was running away again watching as police sirens raced in the distance, no doubt searching for me, they would never find me, they never did. In all the years that I've murdered they've never ventured into the storm drains.

I headed away from the small town venturing further away from where I had once hid. I was certain to find another abandoned house to lay refuge in before I decided on a new path.

I walked for mile upon miles, smiling to myself, it had been a good night. I managed to to hit three houses before the police came running. Hehe they failed miserably again, I even managed to slit one of their throats. If only you could of seen the look of terror that painted his ugly face, he thought his gun would win, he was wrong.

People are always scared of things they don't understand. I was a person they don't understand, the person with a bounty on my head, the person that the police tried to hide because I was too dangerous on their book.
They were foolish to come after me, they didn't understand what made me tick, what traits built up inside of me. I didn't need people to feel satisfied, people were pathetic, they were just like Jane, just like Nina, obsessed with this emotion of attachment. They didn't understand that feeling attachment just wasn't possible for me.

"Welcome to Colorado" I read the sign, glad to be in a new state. My end goal was to completely terrorize the US by hitting every state. I couldn't wait to start in these new houses to kill fresh coloradoan blood. It was late and no one would expect this.

I looked down at my black pants sad to see that they were becomeing a little short. I had been wearing the same clothes for three years, only taking showers when I knew for absolute certainty that their wasn't any police around to capture me. I looked at all the houses around me all these happy families, it make me fucking sick to look at how happy they were. I felt their happiness, I felt it all the time, when killing, when watching their blood poor over their faces and on to the floors. I felt it when the screams of children rang around the house. I loved people who thought they could escape. I was a very happy person but, they were to afraid to give me happiness.

People say that I hear voices that I'm insane. They are wrong, I don't hear voices, I just love killing, love watching people scream and bleed out, love showing the world that they aren't the center of it. I make people realize the truth the life isn't as precious as they hope to make it.

Oooo this looks interesting, there was a lone house. Perfect for my next victim, I wonder what they are going to look like, probably some overweight nutritionist, oh the irony I couldn't wait to decapitate them.

I entered the house through the front door, it was unlocked as always, an easy target. I looked inside to see a stair case and a few tables. I found a girl in one of the rooms upstairs. She was on her computer such an easy victim, she didn't even know I was there, she was foolish. In a few quick motions I grabbed her from her chair and threw her to the ground. Only then did I see the emo look the delved on her, she was utterly disgusting.

"Who are you, what's going on, why are you in my house?" She gave me a slew of questions, they were all the same they always were. "I'm nobody and I'm hear to rip the goddam flesh from your skin and watch you scream and die" I laughed waiting for the terror to fill her face, for her to scream and beg me to spare her petty life. But she didn't, no. Instead she looked me dead in the eyes saying "I don't care if I die, life means nothing to me, go ahead kill me, I was planning on doing it myself"

Now this surprised me how arrogant can one person be giving up on their own life becuase mommy bought them everything they ever wanted and it wasn't enough. She pissed me off even more than the screamers, the beggars, and the offerers. She was on a whole other level of disgusting. So I smiled at her, a grin so big that my cheeks cracked again. She didn't flinch or move. But that never mattered in the end. Jumping at her I grabbed my knife from my pocket and scream she did. I gave the girl what she wanted, death. I made it take a few hours you see, because I didn't just cut her throat. No, she was too good for that, instead I cut off all her limbs and made her squirm the way I liked it. Slowly bleeding to death over plenty of hellish hours.

Running out of her house, I got back on the road taking one glance back, fucking rich people. And she wanted to kill herself living in a house that big, how ungrateful of her. I headed on to a better place. A place with more people, more fun, more terror to bring. It was going to be a fuck fest and I was prepared to cause it.

He's my Love - A Jeff the Killer love storyWhere stories live. Discover now