Chapter 1

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{Maddy's POV}

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I heard the last ring of the bell notifying me that the last day of school before winter break was now finished. I couldn't wait to get on the bus, listen to music, then go home. After all In 2 days I was going to Italy with my family. It was going to be a trip of a lifetime I knew it.

I practically flew out of the bus when it arrived at home. Listening as my feet repeatedly hit the pavement in a 8th note symphony, I swung open my front door with so much force I thought it was going to break off the hinges. Throwing down my flute and backpack I headed up the stairs my disgustingly messy room, and when I say disgusting, I mean clothes everywhere toys strewing in every corner. I hadn't found the need to clean it cause it simply didn't matter to me or my sister.

I hated my room if I'm being honest, I had to share it with my little sister which was undoubtedly unfair. Why did I have to share a room with her while my brothers got their own rooms. Now that I think about it my brothers got everything they wanted and I got nothing, zip zap zero and my parents couldn't care less.

"Random planets" I laughed as I started watching cinema sins while waiting for my parents to come home. We were going to go out  shopping for our trip, then finish packing the night before heading to Italy. Though the 12 hour plane flight would be boring, it would all be worth it as I get to be in a new country.

Hearing a door slam and people shuffling around inside the house. I took off from my bed and bolted down the stair case landing perfectly on my feet. I saw my brother and my dad walk in taking their shoes off and placing their stuff down. "Sleeping already when school ends, Nice Maddy" my brother Simon laughed at my dads comment. I rolled my eyes "I can do what ever I want dad, I'm a freshman remember" I scoffed.

"Anyways, do you know when moms going to be here, I want to go shopping for my clothes" my dad looked at me with annoyance after my comment and said. "She'll be home after she done subbing, learn to be patient". I rolled my eyes again I can't believe my dad treats me like this I was just asking a question it's not my fault.

I grabbed my flute and headed up to my room a second time. I started with practicing long tones and moved on to playing my solo pieces for my concert after break. I let my mind wonder when playing thinking about ways to prove to my stupid cousins that I deserved respect. I really hated my family, everything about them. My mom was mean to me, my brothers made fun of my weight; I know I'm a little chunky, my sister who would always keep me up while watching her mlp. I just wanted to live alone sometimes.

"Maddy you didn't empty the dish washer like you were supposed to" my Dad yelled from down stairs. "Why do I have to empty the dish washer, I didn't put the dishes inside of the machine. Make Gavin do it instead" I yelled back. Continuing on with my flute playing.

My mom finally arrived home with Avery after a few hours. As she comes in she gives me a happy smile "how was your day at school" she asks. "How do you think it was mom, It's just school and school is totally dumb and useless" I snapped back. My mom cares way too much about school because she was a teacher 3 years ago and was trying to become one again. "Young lady that's no way to talk to your mom" my dad said. "I can talk to her however I want" I said back. I received dirty looks from my brother as I stomped to the kitchen finding food to eat.

Finally, my family left for the clothing shops. I was in the back of the car listening to music and looking at the passing buildings. I couldn't stop thinking about Italy as we drove by building after building. My family planned this trip while I was just about to join highschool and ever since I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation.

We finally arrived at shopping mall and started our journey through the piles and piles of clothing. I found a couple of outfits that I knew perfectly suited my personality. The best outfit I picked out was a coral tank top and grey jeans. My sister had picked up a pile of outfits and of course she got all of them.

We headed out the store after buying all of the clothing for the trip. "Maddy and Simon, can you help carry the bags". Mom asked me and my brother. "No, I don't want to carry the bags it's to heavy for my arms" I replied. The bags were heavy and my mom was already carrying them so it would just be a bother to give them to me. "Maddy stop being such a bitch" Gavin said. "I not being a bitch" I defended, my brother rolled his eyes saying whatever and walked away.

During dinner my mother did the unthinkable she brought up grades. "Maddy, I know that being in high school is hard, but I said to maintain a C average, You have 2 D's, I need your phone" mom complained to me. "No, I don't have to give you my phone, it isn't fair, I tried so hard. You are the ones who are ruining my life and are asking me to do all these outrageous things. Did you even have good grades at my age?" I sassed.

"You know what Maddy, I can't stand this disgusting behavior of yours, you don't care about anyone else all you care about is yourself" Dad stated. "Well you just don't know how I feel your the ones acting like bitches". I yelled back.

"You know what, if you keep treating us like this your not going to Italy" my mom was furious I could tell. But, I was a bomb whose fuse had just been cut, I wasn't going to let them just treat me like this. "Fuck off mom you are to much of a religious snob for me to listen to you" I screamed even louder gathering attention from the next table. "Stop it your embarrassing us" Gavin said. "Your embarrassing us fag" I replied back.

"That's it, your not going with us" mom shouted. "What, no" I replied, shaken. "Don't give me that attitude you haven't been nice haven't contributed to use as part of the family and you have been treating all of us meanly. You don't deserve to go on this trip and I'm not letting you get away with this attitude it's gone on way too long" I heard her say.

It hit me hard, when my mom had said her final words it was final. No arguments nothing, and that was the horror of it all. I nearly vomited at the thought and let out a loud sob. My body felt completely shaken, and I never thought this could happen. All I knew was

I wasn't going to Italy

I was going to stay home by myself

And in the end of it all the krav ma gah, the realization that hit me to prematurely. A understanding that I had ignored for weeks upon weeks.

It was my fault.

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