Friend or Foe

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You were sent out to find some kids to bring back to Delta so you can make the fight. You were heading to ericson School.

Y/n:Listen you better come out. I saw some of you guys on the road.

While he was just standing there shouting out holding your pump shotgun , Clementine came out of nowhere and manages to kick you to the ground with her knife in her hand. You looked over to your shotgun which fell on the ground.

Y/n: Such a tough little cunt. I like your style.

Clementine: Just leave us....

Before she could finish her a sentence your leader Lily pointed her gun to her head. You took the opportunity to get up and hit her in the stomach.

Aj was running up towards you with his gun in his hand so you decoded pint your loaded shotgun at him.

Y/n: Hey kid, you better stop dead right now her I'll show a cool which involves millions of pieces of brains coming right out of your friends head.

Aj lowered his gun and you walked right up to him.

Y/n: Just look how freaking caring you are.

You hit him to the ground with your gun.

Clementine: Don't.

Y/n: I've seen those before. They are quite decent fighters, both of them, you'll like em.

Lily:We're looking for a kid runs a community near here.

Clementine:He's dead.

Lily: Well shit.

Y/n: Well Listen this could all still work. By the way I bet it must be really cozy at your school.

Clementine: It's not my school.

Y/n: Shut up! Just shit the fuck up.

You kicked her over and into her and it seemed that Lily has recognized her.

Lily: Clementine? It's is that you?

Y/n: Wait what?

Lily: Not now.

Lily held her out for Clementine to grab.

Y/n: What in the hell is this?

Lily: Not now.

Clementine accepted her hand. You and Lily tried talking Clementine into joking you guys but she refused.

Y/n: You know what. I'm just gonna take this little squirt her right now and then leave you alone.

You tighten up your grip on Aj's hand.

Lily: Be smart about this Clem, if you want to save your little one, then you won't pick them.

Clementine: run!

Clementine yelled out to her fellow comrades to run.

Y/n: Dammit!

You shoved Aj into the ground.

Clementine: Aj!

While Lily was distracted looking around , Clementine took the opportunity to kick Lily in the leg and started running away.

You and Lily started chasing after them and you manage to shoot Aj in the side with your hand gun. You and Lily were surrounded by walkers and it was what you lose them and you guys ended up having to shoot your way out of the walkers.

Clem And Aj were on the look out seeing that you and the others raiders were gearing up to attack the school.

Aj: It's the raiders and Y/n is gonna be with them.

Clementine: Yeah. Your bad dreams. They're all about him aren't they?

Aj: Yeah. Can I swear yet.

Clementine: Sure, go away head kiddo.

Aj: I fucking really hate that fucking dickhead shitfuck. There's are ten monsters out there. He's doesn't frighten me, but when he comes here, I call dibs. I get to kill him.

Clementine: Okay.

Aj: Really?

Clementine: I'm not sure how things are gonna go, if it's possible, you get first shot at him.

Aj: WOW.

Clementine: What you thought I'd say no?

Aj: Yeah.

Arrival to the school.

Lily was convincing a kid from Ericson school to come with her to the delta but Clementine yelled out that he shouldn't trust her which resulted into her grabbing him. A cart blow up sending all the raiders down.

Lily: Shit! Shit!

Clementine tried shooting Lily but she moved out of the way. A kid tried attacking Lily but she was quick enough to stab him in the neck and then in the head.

Clementine: Now, go back!

All kid kids ran back inside and you followed during the This one of the your fighter died.

Y/n: Kill that one, the girl.

Sullene tried shooting at Clementine but she pushed the sofa down and trapped her.

Y/n: I told Lily  that you wouldn't cooperate.

You tossed the Molotov and then Clementine and Aj ran into the room.

Clementine: Aj, the door, block it.

Before he could block the door, you kicked the door open.

Y/n: Your friend Lily ain't around this time, so we're gonna have a nice little chat, you and me.... Alone.

You were about to smack her but she cut you across your hand and you went onto the ground holding it in pain.

Y/n: You fucking bitch.

Aj: *Cough* Clem, I can't.

Clem: stay back.

You kicked Clementine on the leg making her fall. Clementine grabbed her knife but you smacked and had her pinned.

Y/n:Easy there girlie, now let's make this all quick And easy.

She took up a statue and injured you in the eye with causing you to back away in pain. Aj took up a fire poker and started beating you with it and then hit you in the face causing your mask to fall off so you kicked Aj in the face knocking him down.Clementine tackles you all the to the balcony and had you onthe edge.

You smacked her in the face and the head butted her but she kicked you in the crotch and punch you off the balcony but grab her by the hand,pulling her down with you.

Once you were on the ground you tried attacking Clementine but a dog fiercely bit your arm. Once the fight was off, you were tied up and you looked to see the other kids walking up to you.

I hope y'all liked this part.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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