Part 7

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-Previously in the last battle-

"It's not your problem to deal with at the moment, it's to get me out of here."

"Yes of course, I am sorry sir but know that if we are back home I will get my answers." I tell him he looks scared towards me and shakes the feeling off of him.

"Do what you please now get me out!" I help him up again and I help him outside, I walk us to place where we are hidden from Bon-Hwa's man. "What are we doing here don't we have to get out of here?"

"Why are you in such a hurry..." I push some button on my ear piece. "Jin are you there?"

"Always here."

"Good, I have the Officer with me. I think we are about 7 meters from the factory, do you think you can have Jimin at the beginning of the area."

"I am calling him now, you can walk over there now. As I have your exact location I sent Jimin there."

"That sounds good." I say and I help Officer O'Neill back up and we walk to the open area where the streets leads back to the city. "We are in position Jin, is Jimin close by?" I just ask him as I see a car in a distance.

"That's our ride Officer." I say pointing towards the car. I help Officer O'Neill into the car after that Jimin drives us to the hospital.

"He doesn't look that good." Jimin whispers to me.

"I know, I have a weird feeling in my stomach something isn't right."

"Don't think there is always something behind it everything you do (Y/n), he is hurt we can see that and that's the only thing that matters now."

"I am sorry you are right." I say looking out of the window, I see the lights of the hospital coming closer. "I hope you are right." I whisper to my self.


I changed in some other clothes as Jimin helps Officer O'Neil inside the hospital, after I am changed I walk into the hospital. Jimin sits in the waiting room and I walk towards him.

"Is Officer O'Neill by the doctor?"

"Yeah they just took him, they called to police office so they are coming this way."

"While if the police is here than we can go right."

"Not exactly we have to give our statement, well yours to be exact."

"I will write it down somewhere, tomorrow I need to get back to that place. And before I go to that place I need to fine everything that there is to know about it, maybe there is a connection with that place from the past?"

"You are crazy you know that right? Not everything is related to the past (Y/n) that would be absurd."

"Well we don't know if we try, with these powers I can see what happened on that place in the past if it has any connection to my powers. If there is maybe I can find a way to stop what ever is going on out there, something is not right about the whole O'Neill thing."

"You told me something similar in the car, what do mean by it?"

"I know that if you want information from someone who doesn't want to give it to you you torture him but I know for sure that isn't the reason."

The last battle (Cursed By Fate) Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now