ThiccEr Gaston

974 17 15

Author's note: please don't listen to the song until I say so, ty (;

Dear Diary,
I had such a long night last night. I could barely sleep with Gaston and his wondrous locks covering my face- at the end I looked like his hairy chest! Although I'm not complaining, I'd love to look as good as his Gastiddies. Or mayhap his Gastoes? Those are scrumptious!

Ah, what a dilemma. Gastiddies or Gastoes? I simply can't decide. As much as I'd like to discuss that right now, I have matters to attend to this beautiful, sunny morning. Gaston and I talked over breakfast today and he's invited me to his tavern tonight which means I'll have plenty to finish this fine morning.

It's not a problem though as I can manage a lot of work. Besides, I can't miss this opportunity to see Gaston's performance at his tavern! He will be singing apparently and I am too excited that I just can't put it into words. I must be on my way now, good day.

Dashing out the house, Y/n hurried to work and managed to work efficiently despite being in a hurry.

6:00 pm- Gaston's tavern.

Sitting quietly at a table for two in the middle, Y/n waits patiently for her date to arrive. Filled with an amalgamation of emotions, her anxiety won't waver nor sit still.

Nervously, Y/n searched the area full of drunk men rambling about their wives and how hard their work is. It's abundantly apparent that the tavern was for men of a certain age as the majority were men in their mid 40s to late 50s.

Just as Y/n was about to leave, the people in the tavern began roaring with delight as Gaston appeared. Gaston waved to the crowd in a cheerful manner before proceeding with his performance.

"This song is for," Gaston uttered, "myself."

[Play the song now]

The crowd cheered Gaston on as he dashed around the tavern, being amazing.

Eventually, the song ended and the crowd applauded Gaston for his spectacular efforts. Gaston chuckled before strolling over to Y/n.

"What do you think? I'm pretty handsome and impressive right?" Gaston asked as he slicked his lovely black locks back.

"You were...great." Y/n replies awkwardly, clearly disagreeing with her own statement. Irritated, Gaston shrugged, downed a beer, and left Y/n on her own as he fished for the attention of some blonde girls at the bar.

Infuriated, Y/n stormed out of the tavern, her mascara dripping frantically down her flushed cheeks. She had lost all hope in Gaston, it was a careless move on her part to date him after all.

Upset and solemn, Y/n headed into her room and jumped onto her bed.
"Why did I trust him so much?!" Y/n screamed through tears, her voice breaking in the process.

Ashamed of herself, Y/n laid there for hours, not saying a word. Finally, she spoke again.

"I have an idea..."

Gastoes Or Gastiddies? - Gaston x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon