"Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls"

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Dear diary,
Yesterday was quite the eventful day. I had a horrifically ugly driver whom one might say was the embodiment of his ramshackle of a carriage. He was even awful enough to dump my luggage on the cold, grubby floor-
the nerve of some people! Fortunately for me, I happened upon a very handsome ogre; he had dazzling eyes that reminded me of jewels, silky green skin like his shot of snot and an amazing dad bod.

I believe him to be my soul mate but only fate knows the truth. Hopefully, fate will be kind to me. I wonder what will happen today...

Staring blankly at her diary, Y/n sighs and pushes it away. The diary was a haunting memory for Y/n, understandably so for it was a gift given to her from her mother who is no more.

Shifting her gaze, Y/n hurried to her bedroom door where she put on a black cardigan (because she wasn't like other girls *teehee*) and headed out to for her new job as a painter.

Arriving at the minuscule shop, Y/n wiped her feet on the torn carpet and slipped off her cardigan to hang it on the coat hanger in the corner. In front of her stood an old man in a relaxed position with misty spectacles and chalky, besuited hair.

"Welcome, are you here for the painting job?" The man questioned. Strolling up to him, Y/n nodded and gave her best smile.
"Yes, shall I get started?" Y/n answers whilst the man hands her a badge with her name on it in bold letters.

"Please do," the man replies as he slides his coat on and steps halfway out the door, "I have a customer booked for a painting of themselves today, do you think you can handle it?"

Smiling reassuringly, Y/n nods at the man before he steps out of the shop and goes on his way.

A few hours pass which are spent by Y/n restocking shelves, selling paintings and keeping the shop clean. Without warning, a tall young man steps into the shop. His shoulders are wide, his chin oddly shaped like an ass and his muscles protruding from his tight, red top.

"I have an appointment booked for 2:00 today," the stranger insisted as he leaned in closer to Y/n making her heart pound ceaselessly.

"O-of course, name please?" Y/n responded as she shakily wrote down the stranger's name: Gaston LeGume.

"Please follow me," Y/n ordered as she led Gaston into the back of the shop. In the back, there was little furniture, dim lighting and a sofa with a canvas in front of it.

Gradually, Gaston started to get undressed.

"Draw me like one of your French girls," he requested.

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