1) Cuddles

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A/N: art belongs to Burdge Bug

"Annabeth!" Percy called from the living room of his apartment. Annabeth barely heard him due to being so engrossed in her new book, The Fault in Our Stars and quite frankly, she couldn't care less. But not long after, Percy's voice sounded from the living room again, "Annabeth!" he whined. Annabeth continued to him again and again, but he just wouldn't shut up and he seemed pretty determined to get what he wanted. But so was Annabeth. She tried to get back into her book and ignore him, but he kept on calling her name, making it impossible to concentrate. Finally giving in, Annabeth got up, book in hand, and walked over to where Percy was sat on the couch.

"Annabeth!" he said again, having not heard her walking into the room.

"What?!?" she snapped frustrated.

Percy held his arms out, "Cuddle with me," he half asked half demanded, whilst giving his girlfriend the puppy dog eyes he knew she couldn't resist. Annabeth sighed, the offer did sound tempting and she really couldn't say no to his puppy eyes, but she was determined not to give in. "Really, Seaweed Brain?!? I'm trying to read!"

"So?" Percy said shrugging, "You can read here,"

"But I was comfortable," Annabeth complained, trying to find a reason to say no.

"You can get comfortable here,"

"No, because you'll keep pestering me to talk to you and I just wanna read,"

"Pleeease, Annabeth!" He said dragging it out, giving her his puppy dog eyes again,

"Fine," she sighed stalking out of the room and into his bedroom, leaving Percy alone in the living room confused. "Huh?" he said to the empty room. But he realised what she was doing when Annabeth came back into the living room, dragging a blanket behind her. Percy's face lit up, as he made space for her on the couch.

Annabeth sat down beside him, wrapping the blanket around them both. She settled against Percy's chest and leaned into him, as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. Annabeth opened her book and carried on from where she left off.

But as she was reading, Percy leaned down and placed soft, gentle kisses down her neck. "Percyyy," she complained, "Stop, I'm trying to concentrate,"

"Why, am I distracting you?" Percy said flirtatiously, but it obviously wasn't working on Annabeth. "Yes!" she said, clearly frustrated, "Stop it and let me read."

Percy obeyed her command and they stayed silent, the only sound, the pages of Annabeth's book turning. But only after about ten minutes, Percy spoke up again. "Annabeth," he whispered,

"What?!" she snapped,

"It's too quiet,"

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

"Talk to me," he replied,

"This is exactly why I didn't want to come in here, Seaweed Brain,"

"Read to me then." Very few things caused Annabeth to tear her eyes away from her book, but this was definitely one of them. "What did you say?" She asked looking up at her boyfriend, confused.

"Read to me,"

"You'll find it boring," she told him warningly,

"I don't care, it's too quiet," he said. Annabeth sighed,

"Okay," she said," If you insist."

But, for one of the very few times in her life, Annabeth was so wrong. Percy listened to her intently, completely engrossed in the story. They must have been sitting there for hours when they finally got to the last line of the book,"I do Augustus, I do." At which point they both had warm tears streaming down their faces.

Percy was the first to break the silence, "Why would any author do that? I hate John Green."

Annabeth rubbed his arm comfortingly, "Don't worry, it'll pass, everyone loves John Green. I love John Green,"

"Yeah, well the feeling isn't mutual."

"Percy," she said turning round, wiping the tears from her cheeks,

"Mmm?" He asked, tears no longer pouring down his face, but his eyes sparkled with tears. Annabeth leaned in and pressed her lips to his softly, her fingers grazing his damp cheeks. When she pulled away she said,"I love you,"

Percy smiled,"I love you too, Wise Girl," he replied, bringing Annabeth's lips to his once more.

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