06. we could be

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Shinhyuk's POV

After that, Haechan and I went to the second floor, where Mark is waiting and a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at him while Haechan just laughed. Haechan sat down on a chair and started to make poses while Mark instructed him.

The whole time, I was just staring at Haechan. He looked so professional in this field. Minute by minute, he glances at me then winks. I was clutching my phone so hard while looking at him.

When they finished, Haechan whispered something to Mark and the latter nodded. It wasn't my business, so I let it be. I stood up and followed them downstairs. "Thanks for coming." Haechan said to both me and Mark.

"You're welcome. You were great." I said, finally not stuttering. He smiled and looked down, his face red. "I got used to it." Mark laughed sarcastically. "Haha, couz. You've been in tons of photo shoots." He said and took my hand.

Haechan took my other. "I'm taking her home." I feel like water was boiling inside me when Haechan said that, and he was serious, for Pete's sake. Mark gave him a sly smile. "Alright. I'll get going then." He saluted at us and walked out of the building.

Oh, damn.

He turned off the lights and took my hand again, this time, intertwining our fingers. He pulled me out of the building and locked the door. We walked towards his car and he opened the shotgun seat. I sat inside and he went to the driver's.

I tried pulling the seatbelt, but it wouldn't budge. "It's stuck." I heard Haechan say and he leaned into me, not to kiss me, but to unstuck the belt. His face was so close. I'm scared that he might hear my heart beating so loud.

He finished lightening it and he looked down on me. A smile crept his lips and he kissed me again. Oh my gods, why is he like this? He pulled away and sat back on his seat. He turned on the engine and drove to where I live.

I didn't tell him my address but he stopped exactly in front of my house. My eyes widened as I immediately looked at him. "How-?" He just smiled and turned off the engine. We went off his car and walked towards the porch. "How did you know where I lived?"

"Connections." He pressed the doorbell and later on, the door opened, revealing Mom with a frustrated look. "Shinhyuk! Why did you-Mr. Lee?" Mom looked at Haechan behind me. He bowed. "Good evening, Mrs. Lee." Mom then bowed again and again. "Good evening to you, too, Mr. Lee."

He giggled, which I find so cute. "Stop it, Ma'am. I was just here to take your daughter home." I looked at him, he looked at me. God, this guy. Mom looked at me and raised a brow about how, why, when, whatsoever.

Haechan let me face him and he smiled, making me smile. "I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and suddenly took out his phone. "By the way, what's your number? Let's keep in touch."

I kind of heard Mom gasp lowly. I recited my number while Haechan tapped on his phone. He repeated it and I nodded. "Save my contact when I text you. Bye." He kissed my forehead again and waved goodbye. He went inside his car and drove away, leaving Mom and I star-struck.

"Okay, young lady. You need to explain why the most famous CEO was right in front of our door step." Mom said. I faced her, biting my lip. "Oh my god, Mom, he kissed me. Twice!"

"You're being delusional."

"Then what was with me giving my number to him and two kisses on the forehead?! I won't need to explain, Mom. You won't even believe me." I said and stepped inside the house.

"Today is the best day ever!"


Hoyeon's POV

Jisung and I was just chilling in our apartment's living room when my phone buzzed. I was gonna get it when Jisung pulled back my left arm. "Don't answer it." He hissed then kissed me deeply.

"Jisung, I'm just going to check who it is." I said. He pulled away and I looked at who messaged me. It was Shinhyuk. I raised a hand. "It's just Shinhyuk." I said and opened the message.





did he hurt you?

Imma fite that fucka

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻┻

he didnt



I cant say ittt

Did he kiss you?






how did the kiss go? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


he wasnt aggressive

Just the usual kiss

But it means so much ;-;

the next thing we know, he's courting you


he asked me for my number

did you give it?


and he kissed me twice on both my lips and forehead

omg thats so boyfriend

I looked at Jisung when he said, "Am I not?" I chuckled and pinched his cheek. "You are. But Haechan doesn't seem like that. He's a boss, you know?" He just shrugged and Shinhyuk replied.

i know i crii ;-;

and he said "see you tomorrow"

he knows where i live


i think the feeling is mutual

i think so too

we'll know



bye now. my mochi needs my attention

Lmao bye XD

"Did you really have to tell her?" Jisung said, pouting. I cupped his face and kissed him. "Can't I?" He didn't reply and just hugged my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I wish we would be like this forever." I smiled. "We could be."


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