"You know you're no fun. Guess I'm going to have to up my game here." He turns back towards the wall of torture devices and picks up a baseball bat. The bat is covered in small silver spikes.

Shit. I knew what was coming next and was not looking forward to it. Not like I looked forward to any of this.

He dragged the bat across my stomach, coating it in my warm blood. Without any warning, he raises it above his head and bring it down with as much force as he can.

Crack. A scream leaves my lips as I hear my ribs break. The hit splattered my blood onto his face that was supporting his signature smirk.

He puts it the bat aside, so he can flip me onto my stomach on the table. After tightening the straps and picks the bat up again. The continues his attack on my back. At this point I can no longer hold back my screams.

I can feel my blood run down my sides and add to the puddle that has formed on the table. The whole time the monitors beeping like crazy indicating my racing heart beat. He continues hitting me while grunting from exertion until I black out from blood loss and pain.


I wake up back in my cell. I shift my body slightly which sends a shot of pain through my body. Grinding my teeth, I pull myself up into a sitting position and begin to assess the damage he's done.

The nails on my hands and bare feet are covered in blood. I have two broken ribs and a few cracked, I can tell due to experience. My right thigh is throbbing from the stab wound. The skin on my stomach is covered in deep gashes, while my backs probably shredded from the spikes on the bat.

Despite all the pain I'm in, I crawl over to my bucket and hide the scalpel in my waist band. I don't know how long I have been out for and when he will return. This is my only chance for a while. With the damage he's inflicted, he can only turn to his injections to torture me again without killing me.

The door opens just as I get back to my original spot. I must have been out for a while for him to appear so soon after I woke up.

He walks towards me while taking out his set of keys to unlock my chained leg. As he approaches I reach my hand under my shirt that covers my waistband where the scalpel is hidden. As the shackle comes undone, I grip the blade and plunge it into his neck where I'm hoping his jugular is. In a state of shock, he drops his keys and stumbles backwards grabbing his neck.

With the help of the adrenaline rushing through my veins, I grab the keys and rush to my feet. The sudden movement causes black dots to appear in my vision causing me to stumble forward. Dr. Edison snaps out of his shocked state and lunges at me.

I dodge to the right. He misses me by a fingers width and ends up crashing against the wall. Moving as fast as I can with my injuries, I limp towards the door and slam it shut behind me. I grab the padlock hanging on the latch of the door and lock him in the room.

"YOU BITCH, OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" His shouts were slightly muffled by the thickness of the door.

"Hahaha, you must be more mentally fucked up then I though if you think I'd really open the door." For the first time in years I had laughed, and I am so glad it was at Dr. psychopaths' expense.

"You think you can get away? I'm giving you one last chance, OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR! If you do, I may be willing to overlook this little fuck up of yours. Trust me, if you leave I will hunt you down even if it's the last thing I do. If that happens I will make you suffer far worse then you can imagine. Everything you've been through these past four years will seem like a fucking walk in the park compared to what I'll do to you!"

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that while locked behind that thick metal door? There's no food or water in there, and you have no way out. How exactly do you plan on 'hunting me dow?' I'm positive this is the last time I'm going to ever see you again. I'm leaving you with the parting gift of starvation. It's how I though I would die if you didn't kill me, but it seems it's how you're going to die now," I replied mockingly before walking away. This is the first time in so long that I've spoken so much, and without stuttering too.

I could hear his screams of frustration as I made my way down the narrow hallway. The injuries on my body were screaming in pain. I knew that I had to get as far away from this place as I can while I still had the rush of adrenaline.

I turned the corner and see a door that matches the one of my cell. Hoping it's a way out, I pull out the set of keys I try them until I hear the click of the door unlocking. I pulled the door open, instantly being hit with a stench so foul that it causes me to bend over gagging and coughing.

Standing up straight, I look into the room with eyes blurred by tears. After a few blinks to clear my vision, I could make out the contents of the room. Instantly I bent over retching and trying to throw up the contents of my empty stomach.

The room was filled with bodies. From the light that entered through the door I could see that they were all in various stages of decomposition. Some were just skeletons, while others were coved in maggots with parts of their flesh missing.

Turning and slamming the door shut I continued to limp down the hallway as fast as I can. I come to another metal door at the end of the hallway. This door has three different locks on it.

After unlocking all of them I open the door to be greeted by a set of stairs leading up. I limp up them and am stopped by a flat square door above my head, it has another lock.

Unlocking it, I swing it open to see the night sky filled with stars and the moon. Exiting I stand up straight and look around. Every direction I look in is filled with trees that I can make out in the moonlight. I close my eyes and take a deep breath breathing in the air that smells of nature and recent rainfall. A massive smile spreads across my face for the first time in ages.

I'm free.

The Alpha King's Humanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن