Let's Dance

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Rated T: Tron Cat. Meaning there is strong language, violence, and sexual content. For mature audiences only. Viewers digression is advised. 


I don't know why but I'm in a club right now. There's a lot of pretty bitches here. Most of them looked stank though. None of my friends are here. I'm trying to figure out what made me come here. I looked around the club. And I saw exactly why I came here. This beautiful ass girl in a pretty red dress. Should I approach her? Her dress was low cut and her rack was pretty nice. If she was to bend over her chest would be exposed. It was that serious. I felt my body move towards her. I guess my body made up my mind for me.

Tyler: Hey.

She turned her attention to me.

Girl in the Red Dress: Hi

Tyler: What's your name?

Girl in the Dress: Amber.

Tyler: Oh that's nice.

Amber: What's yours?

Tyler: Me? I'm Wolf. You can call me Tyler though.

Amber: Okay, how old are you?

Tyler: I'm 18.

Amber: Same.

Tyler: You from around here? 

Amber: No.

Tyler: Oh. You look like my next victim. 

Amber: (pushing her hair behind her ear) What?

Tyler: I said you look like my ex-girlfriend...'s sister.

She gave me a weird look. She brushed whatever thought she had off. 

Tyler: Let's dance.

I held out my hand for her to grab and she looked me up and down like I stunk or something. She looked at my hand for a minute then back to my face. 

Amber: No thanks. I'm not the dancing type.

She walked off soon after. That went well. I watched as she strutted back over to where the people she was with went. Maybe I should look for another victim. I walked around the club getting compliments from some bitches. I wasn't feeling them though. Somehow I ended up back to where she was. I saw her laughing at whatever exposing a dimple I never noticed until now. I want her. 

I went to the bar and got some fruity drink. I pulled out a small baggie from my pocket, opened it and emptied the contents. Ecstasy. She's about to start feeling right. I stirred the x in the drink with the straw. Once it looked normal I headed over to the table. She saw me approaching her table so she met me half way. 

Amber: Back again?

Tyler: I'm not a quitter. 

Amber: I see. 

Tyler: (holds the drink up) I got this for you.

She took the drink out my hand and sniffed it. Please drink it. Please. I watch her bring the rim to her nice lips. I swallowed a lump in my throat as she started to down the drink. Once she was halfway done she looked at me and smiled.

Amber: Thanks. It's good.

Tyler: You're welcome. 

I smiled back and walked away. Now I wait.

I sat at the bar watching the bartender make drinks for the others. I looked at my watch, 1:13 am. I turned around to go find my victim. And there she was giggling behind me. She was fucked up. 

Amber: (slurring) Would you like your dance?

Tyler: Yes I would.

I grabbed her and lead her to the middle of the dance floor. She stopped but I pulled her towards the door. 

Amber: (pulling him back) Where are we going?

Tyler: To dance.

I continued out of the club and to my car. Now she was stumbling a lot worse than she was before. I got her into my car and I sped off to my house. Halfway there I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked over and saw her looking at me with lust filled eyes. This is going to be fun. 

She's really fucked up. Just how I liked it. She was laying on my bed with her legs apart. She was still giggling looking up at my ceiling. I walked over to my dock station and turned on my "fun" playlist. I went back over to her and stood right in-between her legs. 

She pushed herself up on her elbows. She hair fell over her face from her sudden movements. She looked hot as fuck as she smiled at me. As the music began to play I pulled her up to me. She continued to laugh as she fell onto my chest. I stood her upright and started slow dancing with her. We were doing a simple two-step but she still managed to step all over my toes. 

I ignored the pain and continued. I kissed her on her lips and she giggled. I kissed her again adding tongue as I pulled out my pocket knife and cut her on her cheek while still slow dancing. I pulled away from her mouth and licked her wound and looked at her. She was still smiling with her squinted eyes. I sliced her shoulder and licked it clean. I liked the taste of her blood. I sliced her neck near her jugular and kissed and sucked that area. I heard her moan. 

I wave of chills went through my body. I cut her breast and did the same thing. She still didn't say anything but continued to smile. She was so tore up. She started to take off my shirt and I let her. She kissed me again before moving to my pants. I stopped her just before she touched my belt. I shook my finger in her face telling her no. 

I forcibly pushed her onto my bed which wasn't too far from where we were. And that's when I felt a rush of excitement move throughout my body. I got on top of her and unzipped her dress ripping the rest apart. I suddenly found myself inside her. I'm starting to black out from my excitement. 

She was telling me to slow down and that I was hurting her but I didn't care. Everything went black again. I opened my eyes and noticed we were in a different position. She was on top of me riding me as if her life depended on it. Blood was dripping down her chest. We were so loud I hope my neighbors can't hear us over the music. I pulled her hair making her scream. Everything went black. 

My eyes opened again and we were up against my dresser. She had a tight grip on me. I looked into the mirror behind her and I looked at myself. I was sweaty and my eyes were black. After she came I looked at her and pulled her hair yanking her head back. I kissed her then slit her neck open. I pulled out as she began to choke on her own blood. I headed to my bathroom.

Tyler: It was nice dancing with you, Amber.

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