It will be too easy for Romy to over judge something, to get too into the fight, and then suddenly someone’s telling her that Romy’s-

No, Kiera snarls to herself. Romilda is not going to die, not so soon. Her thoughts suddenly scramble, the wolf tearing apart the logic. Yes, it hisses, softly, growling in apathetic nature, she will die, everyone does. But it’s just one person, she’s no longer you’re pack member anyway-forget her!

Fire burns Kiera’s mind and body. Anger, hatred and blood lust, so hot she feels scolded in hot oil, blazes through her veins, a war between human and beast. She doesn’t know which one’s winning as she races through the icy world. Kiera’s eyes flick up, seeking the moon. The wolf surges at the sight of the wanning rock, only a slither of the surface. The full moon had come and past without fault, and now the new moon was closing in fast.

A scary thought invades her mind, but is pushed out by both wolf and human.

Shaking away the thought Kiera leaps over the porch railing, not bothering to run around to the steps. She clears the rail with room to spare; nails clicking on the timber floor as her paw touch the wood.

Kiera almost forgets to shift at the front door to Eve’s house. A few seconds before she ploughs through the fly screen a sharp ache races through her body, hot and fast as it tears her human shape back into the present. Keira’s fingers close around the door, ripping it open before her nails have fully retracted.

Jared and Nathan jump as Kiera barges into the house. The boys stare wide eyed at her, both looking like criminals caught outside the prison walls.

She hardly pauses, instead calls over her shoulder “where’s Romilda?”

“Upstairs” Nathan squeaks.

“No, she isn’t, you idiot!” Jared snarls.

Nathan suddenly yelps, arguing back, but Kiera’s already halfway up the stairs. The boys continue fighting, yelling louder til something falls over.

Kiera shoves the door to Romy’s room open, throwing up her hand to catch it as it ricochets back at her from off the wall.

A pair of cold blue eyes freeze Kiera in the doorway. The glaring aims every ounce of hatred in the worlds at the intruder, than some.

Kiera shifts her weight on her feet, taking in the scene rather calmly, impressing herself.

Romy’s shirt had vanished, and her jeans are unzipped. Messy blond hair tangles down her back, to where Romy’s bra claps are open enough that the straps are halfway down her arms. A male lays pinned under her werewolf friend, and not just any male. Alex. His shirt seems to have found a home on the floor with the blankets, pillows, socks, shoes and a towel. Blood rushes to Alex’s cheeks as it deserts the rest of his body-or so Kiera hoped.

Romy’s fearsome glare fades to mild annoyance. She leans back against Alex’s bent legs, lounging a long, bare arm over til she can almost touch his toes. “Thanks for knocking Kiera, I love how you see my privacy as such an importance. You really should learn to let yourself in, what is mine is-“

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