Part 6

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A/N : so I finally decided to post! So a few changes, first of all, I changed the POV to third person, I just felt like it has a better flow for me the writer and you the reader. So instead of "Jiraiya fucked you" it's "Jiraiya fucked her" I left the Y/N insertion for your reading pleasure, so It's still about you the reader. Does that make sense?

So because of this change I have to go back and change the whole story to fit this format, I've already done part one . Which was a lot lol. So please be patient with me.

And next: this next part of the story is a definite change of pace. I really wanted to get into how this relationship came to be. In one part of the story you say to Jiraiya "you made me this way!" When referring to your freakiness. Now we are gonna find out exactly how he made you this way😅. I'm excited okay please leave feedback and point out my many typos cause I know they will be there ❤️ enjoy!

As the water ran down her back and her wet curls laid against Jiraiya's chest she closed her eyes and thought to herself 'I'm so happy things turned out this way" she began to reminisce on the first time she and Jiraiya met.

'I will never turn back' (YN) thought to herself. She tread through the woods, pushing branches out of the way. The sun shined brightly, illuminating her path to nowhere in particular. This was her first time out of the village and she was intrigued by every animal, pile of leaves and tree that she came across.
Back in the Village Hidden in the Rain all she knew was constant gloom and doom. Rain poured constantly perhaps to wash away the blood that was constantly shed. She had been alone for years now. Her parents were killed long ago in the war. All she had were her friends Yumi and Niko, until they too were killed senselessly some years prior.
Somehow YN always survived. Survivors guilt plagued her mind. Maybe that's why she waited so long before leaving. Waiting for her turn to die as she believed she should have so many times before. But when she finally decided to start living, she grabbed a bag filled it with essentials and left the village.

She had been wandering aimlessly, with no real destination in mind. Just away from there. The heat was unusual to her, as it caused her black tank top and grey leggings to seemingly glue to her skin from all the sweat. But she didn't miss the rain from the village. The blazing sun followed her wherever she went almost supervising her every move

Just as she began to get weary she spotted a man from afar. It was the first time she had seen someone since she had left the village a week before.
The man wore a red and green robe and had long white hair like she had never seen before. He was walking leisurely, and before long (Y/N) found herself following him through the woods from afar. She didn't know him and could barely see his face but she felt a bit at ease knowing there was someone else nearby.

As they travelled apart but still together, (Y/n) had been curious about the man and got closer and closer to him while still hiding.

Days later the man came across a hidden hot spring cloaked by trees and terrain. The traveler approached it without pause and derobed. (Y/N) blinked fiercely as she saw his bare body step into the water. Suddenly desire pooled in between her thighs.
"Sigh I really wish there was a beautiful girl in here with me" the man exclaimed loudly to what seemed to be no one.
But then (Y/N) felt a tap on her shoulder and heard a whisper "a beautiful girl like you"
With a gasp she turned and saw the man fully clothed before her. She turned her head back to the spring confused. The man in the spring disappeared into a cloud.
(Y/N) was speechless.
The strange man grinned at her
"My shadow clone, was what you were peeping at."
"I wasn't peeping!"
"Oh you're right you were probably just doing research. I happen to do that kind of research all the time."
"Huh... wait how did you know I was here? How did you do that trick? Who are you"
"Haha! I am Jiraiya, legendary Sannin, master ninja, famous novelist, I'm sure you've heard of me"
Jiraiya's face sunk
"What!? Anyways I'm a ninja, and you aren't very good at sneaking around, you've been following me for days now."
(Y/N) blushed, embarrassed "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Well, first I wanted to see what your intentions were and since you didn't try to kill me, I figured you would come forward when you were ready. But you were taking too long and I figured you need to soak for bit. I know I do"
(Y/N) was silent for a while as she admitted to herself that she was tired and needed a break.
"Well I'm going in, let me know when you want to and I'll get out" Jiraiya said as he stripped and entered the hot spring for real.

Jiraiya x reader: Private researchWhere stories live. Discover now