Chpt. 10

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Sting stepped inside of the hkme and looked behind him, seeing a figure, he jplted and shut the door quickly and locked it behind him, backing up as he stared at the door.

"Sting where are you!?"


Sting rushed towards the other and saw him sitting down infront of the woman and patting a spot next to him. Sting sat down and held onto the other, Rogue could tell Sting was scared of something but didn't want to say anything just yet. They sat together while the old woman told a story and did a little puppet show as she told it. Rogue, Frosch, and Lector were enjoying it but Stings mind was somewhere else right now. After a few minutes of stories it started to grow dark.

"Well it's time for me to sleep"

"I shall put you to bed, Sting stay here with the exceeds"

Rogue helped Chiyo up and guided them to her bedroom, Rogue stopped her at the doorway and went to tug down the blanket. He ran back to the woman and pulled her inside, laying her in the bed and tucked her in.

"If you need anything just call any of us"

"Alright young man"

Rogue nodded and left, closing the door behind him then went towards Sting who was shaking thinking that he might be cold, Rogue opened up the bag he brought with him and pulled out a black blanket then threw it around the other. Sting looked up at him and smiled softly coming back to the earth.

"Thanks Rogue"

"Anytime, now I think we should rest"

Frosch and Lector found pillows and a blanket then brought them over there, Rogue set up the pillows and laid down, Sting scooted closer to the ravenette and laid down beside him. Rogue sat up and walked towards the door and locked it.

"Just to be sure"

Rogue laid back next to Sting and wrapped the black blanket around the both of them. Lector and Frosch shared the colorful blanket were already asleep.

"Hey Rogue..."


"I'm too scared to sleep"

"That's okay I will stay up with you"

"Just for a little bit?"

"Sure thing!"

Rogue patted the other on the head and sat up, he was more of a nightowl so he could stay up all night if he wanted to. Sting sat up as well and held onto the blanket as he stared out the window.

"What's wrong?"

"Just a uneasy feeling is all..."

"Come Sting is that really the problem?"

"Well kind of, I saw a person outside earlier when you told me to come inside, I froze when I saw them I got scared"

Rogue huffed and flicked his forehead.

"Dummy! Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Ow! I'm sorry I thought they were just passing through"

Sting rubbed his forehead and huffed back at the boy. Rogue sighed and shook his head then poked Stings head.

"Learn to use your brain Sting, Come to me and I'll beat up that person for scaring you!"

Rogue said and pointed to himself before letting out a laugh and so did Sting who nodded at him.

"Okay my hero I shall come to you whenever I'm in danger"

He sounded slightly sarcastic then laughed again, causing Rogue to laugh along with him too. After the two of them stopped laughing they went to lay down.

"Safe enough to sleep, Sting?"

"Yeah thanks Rogue"

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