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Frosch smiled as they were away from the blonde and Lector, they looked up at Rogue and smiled.

"Frosch thinks they will see Lector again soon!"

"You really think so?"

The exceed nodded and hugged Rogues arm as they were wrapped in the black blanket. Rogue smiled and walked until they reached a small cave further in the forest and turned on the lamp that was inside, there was a small bed and a black bag. Frosch flew over to the bed and laid down on it, waiting for Rogue.

"Why couldn't you bring them here it's very cold out there Rogue"

Frosch asked as Rogue looked outside of the cave and sighed.

"We just met them Frosch I can't just bring people I don't know here, I promise maybe when it gets bad out there and I make another bed we can bring them here also when we get to know them better"

Rogue said walking towards the bed and laid down beside the cat and got under the blanket then turned out the light and went to sleep.

As the sun rose over the ravenettes head the green exceed was shaking him awake.

"Rogue Rogue get up!"

"Frosch five more minutes"

The exceed huffed and got out of the bed, they would let the kid sleep for a few more minutes and rushed ovut of the cave and smiled at the sun then ran into town, following the smell of food. They came across a building where the smell was coming from and went inside, flying towards the counter.

"Fro says hi!"

"Hello Frosch, where's your friend Rogue?"

"Rogue is sleeping, Fro is letting him sleep"

"What has brought you here?"

"Fro smelled food, Fro want get food for Rogue and friends"

The guy at the counter nodded and got out two plates.

"How many friends?"

"Just two"

"Four plates it is"

The man got another two plates and wrapped it in a sealed cloth and handed it to the cat.

"Here you go"

Frosch smiled and got out four coins and gave it to the man.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome now off you go, don't need Rogue looking for you"

Frosch nodded and grabbed the cloth with the food in it then flew out of the place and flew around town before going back to Rogue, as they flew they heard 3 people arguing and stopped.

"My friend did kill a dragon, I'm not lying!"

"Dragons don't exist!"

"Yeah they are dead, you're lying"

"I'm not!"

Frosch flew closer to the voices and saw Lector talking to two kids, they frowned and set the food down to where others won't get it and grabbed a stick. They landed infront of Lector, holding up the stick.

"What the?"

"Is that a pink frog?"

"Quit making Frosch friend cry you bullies!"

Frosch said waving the stick around, the kids took a step back before running off.

"Is Frosch friend okay?"

Lector looked at Frosch, and smiled.

"I'm Lector and thank you"

Frosch smiled and nodded.

"Frosch got food for Rogue, Frosch, Lector and your friend"

Frosch flew to where they left the food which Lector followed.

"Frosch and Rogue lives in a cave by a river, Lector needs to find his friend Frosch will wait"

Frosch sat down and smiled at the red cat. Lector flew off to find Sting and smiled at how nice Frosch is, got them food and now they are going to let them eat with them. Lector spotted Sting walking around with the white blanket around him, Lector swooped down and picked up the child who was now flailing around.

"Calm down Sting it's me!"

"Lector!? Why are you carrying me?"

Sting instantly stopped moving around and looked up at the exceed.

"Frosch got us something to eat!"

"Who's Frosch?"

"I'll show you!"

Lector flew back where Frosch was still sitting. Sting stared at the frog as Lector set him down.

"Lector is back! Hi Frosch is Frosch!"

"Hi Frosch I'm Sting"

"Is Frosch ready to go?"

"Frosch is ready Lector!"

White and ShadowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ