Chapter Three -Dark alliances

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Metropolis. The LuthorCorp building.

Lex Luthor sat behind the giant marble desk in his office, idly throwing darts at a lifesize cutout of Superman. His hatred for the alien knew no bounds, he'd wanted him dead so many times, but time and again, he failed. Time and agaIn, his rival had got the better of him. 'Then his train of thought was broken by a blinding flash that filled the room. Even shielding his eyes was pointless in the glare.

Slowly, his vision began to clear and despite their forms being blurred he recognised them as the creatures that tried to take his planet a year ago ; Daleks

There were three of them, two bronze and one that was black. Lex ascertained this one was a superior rank. It moved forward, he didn't blink, he showed no fear though his racing heartbeat betrayed him. It spoke. " ALEXANDER LUTHOR ! YOU WILL COME WITH US!!",

"Oh really" he replied, his tone unwavering.

"YES! YOU WILL HELP US DESTROY THE LAST KRYPTONIAN! IN RETURN YOU WILL BE SPARED FROM EXTERMINATION!!". Luthor raised an eyebrow. " Is that so?" he said with a hint of defiance in his tone. he shook his head "I'm sorry that isn't going to work with me, i'm afraid". The dalek moved even closer. Luthor glared at the creature "EXPLAIN" It demanded. "EXPLAIIIIN!". Luthor stood up  and stared directly into it's eye "I do NOT jump through hoops for any alien, not even Superman. I will not work without knowing fully what is required of me! DO.YOU.UNDERSTAND, DALEK?" The Dalek backed away a little, it wasn't used to a human confronting it in such a manner, it's eyestalk jerked up and down studying him to make sure he was still of no threat to them. This human was something new to them. "IT IS DEFYING US! WE SHOULD EXTERMINATE" squawked one the bronze Daleks. The Black leader swung its upper half round and blasted it, fragments of casing and mutant hit the carpet floor. "I hope you're going to replace this carpet. It cost  me five thousand dollars" quipped Luthor. The lead Dalek turned back and faced him "THAT WAS HUMOUR. DALEKS DO NOT APPRECIATE HUMOUR" . Lex sat on the edge of his desk "So i see ; now again- what do you require of me?"

"YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE RADIO-ACTIVE REMAINS OF THE PLANET KRYPTON. THE MINERAL KNOWN AS KRYPTONITE. YOU WILL HELP US BUILD THIS". A blue beam projected an image of a very unique Dalek unit. Luthor walked round the three dimensional image  t, then looked up at the Dalek , smiling "When do we start?". he asked. "NOW" the creature replied. Then there was that blinding blue/white light, and the office of the second most powerful man in Metropolis stood empty.


"OWWWW!!" Yelped the Doctor as he reeled from the slap he recieved from Lois Lane. "What is it with you women slapping me all the time? Did somebody tattoo 'SLAP ME' on my forehead when iwas asleep or something? i mean, really, OW!!"

he rubbed his cheek and frowned as he stared at this feisty raven haired woman, her ice blue eyes blazing with a rage second only to Jackie Tyler's. "You want to explain to me what happened to make my husband SO angry , skinny boy?" The Timelord stood slack jawed for a moment,then folded his arms "SKINNY BOY? You don't know a woman called Donna Noble do you? cos she had a gob on her too!" Lois glared at him , her eyes brimming with tears. he groaned inwardly and felt guilty. "Look, a few things came to light about the events that brought him to Earth. I promise, his reaction was as big a shock to me" The woman pushed her face into his "SUPERMAN.DOES NOT KILL. DO YOU UNDERSTAND" she yelled , with him blinking on every word. " he doesn't kill... no matter what" she buried her face in her hands and cried softly. The Doctor tentatively put an arm round the weeping woman's shoulder."Lois- Can i call you Lois?" She nodded "He wants to fly into the heart of this storm that's brewing and eradicate the killers of his world, his people... Superman doesn't kill. Please, Doctor" She implored. The Timelord's face became serious "Lois, i promise you, i will do everything within my power to make sure he keeps his oath, but, we have to find away to stop the Daleks from killing him; we have to put things right.....WE HAVE TO PUT THINGS RIGHT! of COURSE!!" he slapped himself annoyed at his own stupidity "Nine hundred-odd years of travelling in time and space, and i still miss the obvious! i am SO THICK!! " He slapped himself again to confrim his thickness. "Lois, where is your husband now?" grabbing her by the arm he led her into the Tardis which he'd landed on the apartment balcony."He's in Gotham city WIth Batman, at his headquarters,why? " The Doctor ran round the console flicking switches Then stopped and grinned at her , his eyes ablaze with excitement "You know what? there's something i've alway wanted say, Lois Lane it is so brilliant!" Lois threw her hands up "What?" she said exasperation in her voice. The TimeLord grinned his widest grin. "Lois- TO THE BATCAVE!!!" The Tardis engines wheezed into life and within moments it was gone.

The Batcave. Gotham city

"Clark are you INSANE?" said Bruce Wayne in disbelief at the story his friend had related to him."If you do this, if you find the Dalek ship and destroy it  and them, then it's something that you'll never be able to come back from. You don't kill--" Superman stood with his back to Batman and his shoulders slumped." I know" he replied softly. Turning , he faced his friend "But answer me this, if you ever found your parents killer, What would you do? wouldn't you want revenge? Tell me you wouldn't want him dead ?" Bruce winced; he was a small boy of eight when his parents were killed in cold blood before his eyes. When his life was changed completely and forever. he swore he would wage war upon crime and with that oath led him to become the man he was today.

"That is the line i swore i'd never cross, Clark. Never"  He placed a hand on his friends shoulder "There has to be another way-" he never finished the sentence . The air became filled with the screeches and flapping of leathery wings as he and Superman were engulfed in a cloud of startled Bats. Something had startled them. Pulling on his cowl to protect his face. He scanned the cave  to see what had disturbed them. Suddenly a strong breeze and the sound of alien machinery filled the cave. The Tardis appeared just in front of the giant Lincoln penny he'd kept as a memento of an old case.

Reaching for a batarang, he prepared to take aim when Clark grabbed his arm. "NO" said the man of steel, firmly. The Tardis door creaked open, and the doctor popped his head around the door , grinning like an excited ten year old "Oh, this is BRILLIANT!" he beamed, stroking the side of the Tardis door and stepped out, followed by Lois. he stuck a hand out at the Dark Knight and grinned "Hello! i'm-" The Batman knocked his hand away and growled "The Doctor. I KNOW . How did you know to come here?"The Doctor looked to Superman and frowned.

"Does he ever smile, Clark?"

"He did once.2003"

"Really? Blimey ."

"Any way, sorry to barge in like this (by the way you and Clark -my absolute favourites. Really!) Lois told me you were here" Batman glared at Superman's wife " Don't start with me Bruce" she snapped defensively "He knows our identities too?" the mask man yelled "Excuse me" interjected the Doctor "I'm a timelord so i knew all about you before even you did, okay?" The Batman span to face him "YOU-" The Doctor stopped him "Listen,i'm here to stop your mate here from ruining his life and reputation by killing the daleks, alright?" Much to the surprise of Superman The masked man calmed down and went over to his bank of computer screens to check for reports of unusual activity in Earth space. leaning toward the Timelord he whispered "You have to tell me how you did that" The Doctor smiled at him and winked.

Suddenly one of the screens of Batman's computer flashed a live news broadcast .A young female reporter was relating the events of an Alien abduction in Metropolis. "The victim of this abduction is reprted to be the C.E.O of Lexcorp himself, Mr . Lex Luthor" Superman smirked "I'm almost tempted to say they can keep him !" The image on the screen changed to security footage of Luthor and two Daleks ."Clark, it looks like he went with them willingly !" she gasped.

"That can't be good" The Doctor And Batman chorused .The two men faced eachother . "I don't think i like you, Doctor" Growled Batman. The Timelord grinned . "Give it time, i'll grow on you. "

Suddenly the cave was filled with a blinding light . As it cleared the three men instinctively stood in front of Lois .Six Daleks had teleported into the cave. "Maybe i should start giving guided tours " Muttered Batman. Superman looked at his friend "Joking? now ?"

One of the Daleks moved forward "YOU ARE NOW PRISONERS OF THE DALEKS " It screeched. Then it opened fire.

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