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Jor-el had no idea where the strange man in the blue box had come from. At this point he didn't care who he was,this man who called himself "The Doctor" This man who appeared and offered to help with the final checks and tests on the tiny "lifeboat" that was to be his son's salvation.

the Doctor was running his sonic screwdriver over some of the ships crystals that had been causing Jor-el so many problems. It was in his mind , a miraculous (albeit ear-shattering) device. "There we are" grinned the Doctor "All done! there was a TEENYTINY hairline crack  in the primary power crystal. All done" He grinned, ruffled his hair and made a popping sound with his mouth , then that grin again.

"Is there anything your screwdriver cannot do, Doctor?" Jor-el asked him. The doctor half- frowned. "Wellllll deadlock seals. Deadlock seals and wood. Wood is definitely a problem" The two men laughed loudly.

As the Doctor laughed, he studied the Kryptonian. He could see the heartache behind the mans eyes and it reminded him of the losses he'd endured over the last year or so before he came here to this point in the past.

He thought of Rose , now making a life for herself and his "twin" on that parallel earth.  Of Donna and the adventures and memories he had to take from her to ensure she wouldn't die. His best friend as she had been. After the mind-wipe, she barely even noticed him. He finally had an idea of how Martha had felt during her time with him.

The biggest loss, even bigger than the loss of Rose, Gallifrey. his family, his friends , The Master . "Blimey! never thought i'd miss him" He thought to himself.

he was shaken from his reverie by Lara, Jor-els wife as she came in to the lab with a bawling, inconsolable baby Kal-el in her arms. She gave him to his father, who had even less joy placating the miserable child.

"Can i try ?" asked the Timelord "Maybe i could calm him down, you never know" he smiled. Jor-el passed his son to the Doctor. "Feel free to try! is talking baby one of your many talents?"

"Funny you should say that, i-" The Doctor never got a chance to finish his sentence. With a resounding belch, the baby covered the front of his blue suit with warm,milky vomit that dripped on to his plimsolls ."Awww i liked this suit. It was my favourite" he wailed , sounding like a small sulky boy. he pouted like one too. The baby hiccuped and giggled at him. "Cheers.MATE." He snarled playfully at the child. Both Jor-el and Lara both struggled to contain their laughter and failed then they all laughed, and it felt good, as they'd not had much to laugh about for a long time.


The destruction of Krypton had begun, the ground split open and people ran screaming and ultimately dying. At the home of Jor-el, they were preparing their child for his journey. Lara had wrapped Kal-el in red, blue and gold blankets. Jor- el ran his hands over the crystalline computer and the egg shaped cockpit melted open like liquid. He went to his wifes side and together they kissed the sleeping child and placed him in the ships cradle. Jor-el turned a crystal on the computer and the cockpit closed turning another crystal and the tiny ship rose into the air and through the skylight into the smoke filled sky . The scientist and wife sobbed loudly as they held eachother and said goodbye to their son.

The ship suddenly shot up higher and it was gone. They could only pray to Rao that Kal-el would make his journey unharmed.

Wiping her eyes Lara looked around Ignoring the hot ashes that came through the labs sky light ."Jor-el, where is the Doctor?" The scientist looked around and was just about to call out when a white searing flah of light and heat engulfed them, and everything, and the rest of the populace.

Krypton was dead.

In high orbit, above the planet , the doctor was in the TARDIS watching the tiny ship that carried baby Kal-el make the jump to light speed. He choked back tears "I'm sorry Jor-el,  Lara. I am so sorry"

Part of him wanted to take the TARDIS back, just a few hours into krypton's past and save the scientist and his family. He couldn't,  it was a fixed point in time, not to be disrupted. To do so could damage the time stream. he was then reminded of Donna, and the fall of Pompeii-

"Save them Doctor, please " she had implored him " I can't, i just can't" but she persuaded him to save one, just one family and the fixed point remained intact.

He couldn't risk it a second time. Not again. He was about to switch off the tardis monitor when he saw the ship glide out from behind a small, nearby moon. He thought he recognised the ship. Flicking a switch, the image of the ship came into close up. His eyes widened and his mouth went dry. "Oh no" he croaked "Not them, it can't be! it just can't!!" he knew deep down it couldn't be anybody else . "No!" he hissed through clenched teeth.  he flipped a switch marked audio and his blood ran cold.


He sank to his knees. "NO" the word came out as sob.

Then he howled, his eyes filled with fury.

The fury of a Timelord.

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