You nod and Andrew leads you by your hand back to your guys' seats. He continues holding you hand throughout the entirety of the flight, even when you somehow fell asleep. You wake up to the sound of alarms and your eyes shoot open.

Pilot: Attention all passengers, please stay calm. We are going to be making an emergency landing at a nearby airport due to some technology failure. So if you could all stay in your seats and buckle up, we will be landing shortly.

You look at Andrew and he squeezes your hand to reassure you.

Andrew: Its just an emergency early landing. Everything will be okay. I promise.

You nod and rest your head back and close your eyes. You take deep breaths to fight back the sneaky panic attack thats trying to claw its way out. Then Andrew does something that makes you forget about everything around you. He lifts your hand up and kisses it, oh so softly. The world stops and you just look at him. He smiles at you and just rubs your hand with his thumb. Before you know it the plane is on the ground and you are escorted off by emergency officials. Shane quickly gets to the rental car booth to make sure we can actually get a car. The only thing available is a G-wagon and you sigh.

Y/N: Let me guess. Im gonna be sitting on someones lap or the ground again?

Shane: Im sorry. Its all they had, and youre the smallest of the group besides Ryland. And hes driving.

You huff and start making a spot for you to sit on the floor. Youre leaning against Andrews seat and he plays with your hair, instantly relaxing you. You fall asleep but are quickly woke up by Garrett yelling something about food. You look around and see you are at a Chipotle.

Shane: Alright, come on everyone we can grab dinner while I make some calls to see if a hotel around here has any available rooms.

You all file into the almost empty Chipotle and order what you want. Shane walks outside for a few to call the hotels around here.

Morgan: So are you okay, Y/N?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Morgan: I saw you freaking out on the plane. Was just curious about what happened.

You tense at the mention of the nightmare you just had to live through.

Y/N: Um. Can we not talk about that right now?

Morgan: Well jeez sorry for caring.

Andrew: Morgan. Its just not the right time.

Morgan: Oh so you told Andrew but not me?

Y/N: I wasnt planning on telling anybody anything, Morgan. It just happened.

Morgan: I just dont get why you cant tell me. I mean you say I'm your best frie-

You are fed up so you cut her off by slamming your fist onto the table.


You take a breath and realize people are staring at you.

Y/N: I was freaking out because the ENTIRETY of my fucking family DIED in a plane crash just a year and a half ago. Thats why I was fucking freaking out. Happy now?

You stand up and storm out of the building, passing Shane and running to the Target across the street, so they wouldnt be able to find you easily. You run into the bathroom, and lock yourself into a stall. You cry silently to yourself. Your phone starts ringing off the hook.

4 missed calls from Andrew

2 missed calls from Garrett

1 missed call from Morgan

6 missed calls from Shane

5 missed calls from Ryland

10 new text messages.

You open your phone and click on Andrews contact, reading his messages.

Andrew: Y/N. Where did you go? Please, Im worried.

Andrew: Shane says you went into the Target? Are you okay? Please I just want to know youre not wondering the streets of some random town.

Andrew: Y/N????

You decide to text him back.

Y/N: I did go to the Target. I just needed to get away from Morgan. Sorry for scaring you. And the others too.

You turn your phone screen off and get up and go to the sink and wash your face. You walk out and see Andrew waiting on the bench outside of the bathroom. He stands up and pulls you into a hug the second he sees you.

Andrew: Im sorry. I shouldve done more to get her to stop.

Y/N: No its fine. Its not your fault. How did they take it, anyway?

Andrew: They were all pretty shocked... Garrett even cried.

You instantly feel bad. You didnt mean to make anyone cry.

Andrew: Ryland told Shane. Hes just in shock, I think.

Y/N: Im guessing theyre all outside?

He nods.

Andrew: Yeah. I can get them to all back off if you want?

Y/N: No its okay. I should face this.

You walk out together and Garrett instantly hugs you. Shane and Ryland does too. Morgan just looks at you apologetically from a distance.

Y/N: Im sorry I blew up on you Morgan.

Morgan: No I'm sorry I pushed. It wasnt my place.

Shane: I had no clue that happened. I wouldnt have just sprung this trip on you if I would have known.

Y/N: Its fine. No one knew. Andrew only found out on the plane because he found me embarrassingly sobbing in the plane bathroom...

Shane: Well I am really sorry.

Morgan: So am I.

Y/N: Im sorry for blowing up like that. And Im sorry for making you cry, Garebear.

You hug Garrett again and then look at Andrew.

Y/N: Hey Andrew? Could I talk to you privately for a second?

Andrew: Yeah sure.

You walk somewhere more private eith Andrew and you prepare for what you were about to say. This was it. You were going to admit your feelings to him.

Y/N: Andrew I- Uh...

Andrew: Yes?

Y/N: I kinda... Sorta... May be kind of... In love with you.

You barely finish your sentence before you feel a pair of soft lips on your own. You put your hand on his cheek and kiss him passionately before you both pull away for air.

Andrew: Im in love with you too.

You smile and hug him tightly. You both walk out to the group hand in hand and walk back to the Chipotle hoping your food was still there. You knew your fear of flying isnt gone, but you knew with your friends help, you could do anything. You felt safe.

Garrett and Andrew One Shots/Preferences/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now