49. He loves me, he loves me not.

Start from the beginning

"Haven't you emailed that yet?" He asked, looking at his unmistakable signature on it.

"I'm going to shred it. We don't need it." She replied.

"But you said it had to be signed for you to tell me." He looked confused.

"I trust you." She picked the shredder up from the floor and placed it on the desk. "I should never have expected you to sign it, I was wrong." She handed him the document.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Very." She smiled. "I trust you Seb, with everything." The smile on his face told her she'd made the right decision. She watched as he fed it in to the shredder and then pulled her close again, kissing her deeply. She squealed as he scooped her up in to his arms and carried out of the office, in to their bedroom and then in to the ensuite, kicking the door shut behind him.


A/N A mixture of English & German coming up,  the conversation between Seb & Hannah would all be in German but for reader purposes is in English. It only switches to German as Chloe would hear it.

It was now late afternoon and Seb was waiting for Chloe to return from the stables. Antti had gone back to his own place as soon as he'd finished giving Seb a remedial massage. Thankfully he seemed to have no muscle issues from Bahrain as when the front wing on Lina had failed it had given him quite a jolt. He was stood in the kitchen on his phone to his dad when Hannah appeared, he'd forgotten that she still had a key for the house, he wondered what she wanted. He quickly finished his phone call and looked at her, she looked as if she'd been crying. "Hannah? What's wrong?" His first thought was of the girls, please don't let it be them.

"Its my cousin, Anna." She sniffed. He looked at her in amazement, she had come to him about her cousin?

"What about her?" He spoke quietly and stepped closer to her, but not too close.

"She's dying." She looked at him, with tears running down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He replied, he knew Anna was the cousin she was closest too.

"They've only given her six months." She sobbed, breaking down. Seb stood there awkwardly for a moment, why had she come to him and not one of her friends about this? She stepped closer to him and threw herself at him, reluctantly he put his arms around her, she was upset and as much as he didn't like her at the moment, she was the mother of his children and he still felt as though he had to give her some support when she needed it. "I'm sorry Sebastian, I'd dropped the girls off at school and nursery and then I got the news. You were the closest one for me to come to. I'm losing my best friend!" She cried, sounding muffled against his chest. He hoped and prayed Chloe would come back now so he could peel Hannah off of him, but then hearing her cry like this he felt guilty for thinking that.

"Is there anything you need?" He asked, pulling away a little but still holding her. "If there's anything she needs, tell me and if I can sort it I will." He looked in to her slightly bloodshot blue eyes.

"I just want her to be ok, I can't lose her, she's always been there for me." Her voice was shaking with emotion.

"Do you want her to come here for treatment? What is it that's wrong with her?" He asked.

"Cancer." She said. "I dont know yet, but I can ask the family." She added. He could her feel her shaking with the shock of it all.


Chloe pulled up outside the house in Seb's Audi Q7 and noticed Hannah's BMW straight away. She rolled her eyes, she thought the day had been going too well. She quietly entered the hallway and softly closed the door behind her. She could hear Hannah crying and rolled her eyes again, but stayed where she was, listening.
"Möchten Sie, dass ich Ihnen Geld für Annas Behandlung gäbe?" (Would you like me to give you money for Anna's treatment?) She heard Sebastian asking Hannah a question.

"Du würdest das für mich tun?" (You would do that for me?) Hannah asked him back.

"Ich würde es für Anna und dich tun, du verdienst es nicht, sie zu verlieren. Wenn ich helfen kann, werde ich es tun." (I would do it for Anna and you, you don't deserve to lose her. If I can help, I'll do it.) He replied. Chloe stood rooted to the spot, what were they talking about? The only thing she could recognise was a name, Anna. Maybe Anna was Hannah's mum, or another relation?

"Danke Sebastian, das bedeutet so viel!" (Thanks Sebastian, that means so much!) Hannah pulled him close again.

"Du bist die Mutter meiner Kinder, ich möchte dich immer noch unterstützen." (You are the mother of my children, I still want to support you.) He spoke softly as he held her loosely, feeling her holding him tightly.

"Dich zu verlieren war der größte Fehler meines Lebens." (Losing you was the biggest mistake of my life.) Hannah looked in to his eyes, she still missed him so much and now with her sick cousin she was missing him even more.

"Hannah, nein, bitte nicht." (Hannah, no, please don't.) He looked back at her. Chloe nearly stepped in, but something held her back.

"Ich vermisse dich Seb, so sehr, dass es körperlich weh tut." (I miss you Seb, so much that it hurts physically.) She reached out and touched his face and Seb knew that he should back away now but she still had tears falling from her eyes and he didn't want to upset her further by pushing her away. "Und ich denke tief in dir, du vermisst mich auch." (And I think deep inside you, you miss me too.) She murmured. Seb said nothing, but every instinct in his body was telling him to push her away and to do it now. He put his hands on her shoulders and went to gently push her back.

"Nein, ich nicht........" (No, I do not.....) He was stopped as Hannah quickly placed her lips on his, and for a split second he responded as she pressed her body against him. Hannah felt her love for Seb exploding inside her, he was kissing her back, he was still her's! "Hannah! Nein!" Seb pushed her away, turning his head away from her. "Oh nein! No!" He immediately saw Chloe standing there. "No, no, no!" He repeated, he put his hands on his head as her face flashed from confusion to devastation.

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