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The street Jeno walks along bustles with people: primarily men and quite obviously drunken women who can barely stand. Jeno tries not to glance too long at any one person, as he does not want to give any of them the wrong idea. He did not want their services, and he did not want to present himself as wanting such. And so, Jeno walks at a fast pace while staring at a fixed point ahead of him as to appear exactly as he was: in a hurry to get somewhere.

He knows it would be in his best interest to ask someone if they had seen Jisung, but he didn't want to risk gaining the attention of one of them. Jeno winces at the thought.

He found Jaemin far more attractive than any given prostitute walking the street. He could not entirely explain why that is, but that fact was not saying much considering how much he currently despised the man. Though, in truth, Jeno found himself not particularly interested in the general population. His life has primarily been spent working, and Jeno had never once found himself all that smitten with anyone. Part of him could hardly care less about the societal standard of having children or getting married or even just being with someone. In his mind, he planned to work until he died, sparing as many people as possible until he does so. And he did not wish to experience accompaniment by a prostitute, either. He found himself with a particularly intense disinterest in such services, turning them away every single time he was forced to roam about the city at night; which was quite a bother considering so many of them would typically be drunk and approach him, regardless. He didn't need nor want anything to do with it. He found the transaction entirely pointless and a waste of money. For himself, anyhow.

As Jeno would tell himself every time his mind ran on a tangent about love and lust, and his severe disinterest in both: to each their own.

Jeno is just about to near the end of a dimly lit street when something catches his eye. Two young men stand in the middle of the road arguing, their voices not quite loud enough to attract attention, but their body language tense enough to indicate conflict. As he nears them, he can hear their dispute a little better.

"Please, just come with me. We can work something out with-"

"Jisung, I told you no."

"Quit letting your pride get in the way! Jaemin said he will always have an open door for you. He accepts us. Why can't you just take his offer?"

"I am not going to live my life indebted to a rich man! Especially not one that'd have the power to turn us into the police at any moment, should we displease him in any way."

"Jaemin is not like that! He has known about me for years, and he has protected me unconditionally. Please, Chenle."

"Is there a problem here?" Jeno interjects as he approaches the boys, unable to stand by any longer.

"N-no, sir. My friend was just helping me off to work," Chenle hastily rambles out, "N-night shift ya know?"

"Jeno? You followed me?" Jisung hisses as he gets a clearer view of his face.

"You know this man?" Chenle asks.

"Yes, Jaemin recently employed him," Jisung murmurs.

"It is extremely late. How about we all head back to Jaemin's place, and you both can have this discussion in a much safer environment?" Jeno suggests, ignoring Jisung entirely.

"'M sorry, sir, but...I have work," Chenle protests as his eyes evade Jeno's gaze.

"May you tell me where so I can have a discussion with your employer?"

Chenle lowers his head. It was clear he did not want to say, and Jeno could tell trying to pry that information from him would be useless and only aggravate him.

"Have you ever met Jaemin?" Jeno inquires, and Chenle shakes his head, "Well...he is...he is a very mild-mannered, polite man with a kind heart. He is very stubborn and set in his ways, but he always has good intentions...even if his actions infuriate you."

Jisung and Jeno's eyes meet, a concoction of questions circulate in Jisung's mind, and it is very much apparent in the look on his face.

"But would you not like to see that for yourself?" Jeno asks, and Chenle shrugs, "How about you come with me and Jisung? You can spend a little time at Jaemin's place, and if you still do not like the conditions or Jaemin, himself, then Jisung and I will never bring it up, again."

Chenle purses his lips into a hard line while he contemplates.

"Tha's a very risky offer, sir," Chenle points out.

"One I am willing to make," Jeno confirms confidently.

"But my work, sir..." Chenle utters quietly, "I do not wish to be reprimanded by...by my boss."

Jeno frowns deeply at the way Chenle lightly trembles. It was clear that his boss had instilled fear into him, and it makes Jeno feel vomit rising in his throat. He swallows hard and shakes his head.

"If your boss has any strifes with you, he can deal with me," Jeno states firmly, "And he can deal with Jaemin as well."

Chenle's eyes dart from Jisung to Jeno, and back again.

"So....what do you say?"

Still shaking, Chenle takes a deep breath and nods hesitantly. This earns a beaming grin from Jisung.

"Thank you," he chimes as he practically leaps into Chenle's arms and squeezes him tight. Jeno finds that he can't help but smile warmly, himself at the sincerely beautiful moment.

"We should head back quickly. It's dangerous to be out at night," Jeno insists as he glances around to see if he spots anyone particularly unusual roaming the street. To his surprise, nearly everyone was minding their own business and going about their night without any sort of concern for the three of them.

The boys break apart to start heading back, and Jisung looks at Jeno. He appeared as if he had many things he wanted to say, but he does not say a word. Still, Jeno expects he will say something later. Surely he will not be let off the hook that easy, but that was a bridge he would cross when he comes to it.

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