Chapter 3: BONDED [Part 2]

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Calandra tried to send Tanni back to her dormitory so she could face Thea alone, but Tanni refused.

"As soon as Osaze is Redeemed again, he will answer every question they ask. I don't want it to look like I was trying to hide anything and escape the consequences." She glanced around the antechamber. "Nor do I want them to ask too many questions."

She gave Calandra a meaningful stare, and Calandra swallowed.

"Good point."

They found Thea in the Archive, surrounded by drawers and shelves full of datastones of every type of crystal, poring over an unfamiliar script embossed on the surface of a large stone reader on top of a cedar table. The Academy's headmistress flicked her finger across the surface of the hexagonal rock crystal slab and the raised luminescent letters changed to new characters. Her curtain of straight silver hair obscured the back of her green floor-length healer's tunic to her waist. 

Despite being the oldest person Calandra had ever met, there was still iron and vitality in her tall thin frame.

Calandra and Tanni stood at attention behind her with Osaze between them. Calandra held his hand.

Thea spoke without turning around. "What are you doing out of bed at this hour, cadet?"

She straightened, then turned around and inspected them, her hooded jade-green eyes widening only slightly when she saw three of them standing there. A panacea's fire opal set in the centre of a golden triquetra dangled from a hair chain in the centre of her forehead.

The three teenagers bowed their heads slightly and touched their bunched fingertips to their foreheads in respectful salute. Thea's gaze flicked to Calandra's Tear and her and Osaze's conjoined hands, then over each of them in turn.

"Calandra. Osaze. As well as Cadet kor'Zelia. What is the meaning of this?"

Calandra lifted her chin and looked directly into her mentor's face—much younger-looking than her years—as she explained the night's adventure up to the point of running into Osaze in the Grotto. Thea listened without interruption, occasionally glancing at the nervous Osaze, until Tanni spoke up and claimed responsibility for Releasing him.

Thea's sharp green eyes snapped to Tanni's face, then she stepped toward Osaze, looking the tall teenage boy in the eye. Restrained fear and determination coursed through Calandra from his touch, but Thea would sense it from him without that. The daskala nodded.

"How did you Release him, cadet? Please show me."

Tanni's eyes widened. "I—I don't know, daskala, and that's the truth. I was trying to copy something I read in one of my mother's stones, a memory-erasing song." She glanced at the floor and twisted her fingers together.

Thea tilted her head. "That is not a song for the inexperienced, either, and should be used with caution."

Tanni nodded, not looking up. "I know. I'm sorry, daskala."

Thea placed her finger on Osaze's forehead and sang a short trill of notes. His eyes glazed and the boiling cauldron of emotions he'd been containing went as still as water in a bowl. "Now, cadet, please try again."

Calandra let go of Osaze's hand and hers felt cold—but not as cold as her heart at his blankness. She blinked back moisture and watched Tanni.

Tanni put her finger on Osaze's forehead and tried several times to do what she'd done in the garden, but nothing happened.

Thea waved dismissively to indicate that she should stop. "Give me your hand, cadet."

Tanni held out her hand, and Thea took it, then looked in Tanni's eyes. "Do you remember how you Released young Osaze here, or don't you?"

Tanni bit her lip, then shook her head. "I don't. I swear it. And even if I did, I wouldn't do it again."

Thea kept Tanni's gaze and hand for several more moments. Calandra thought she seemed a touch disappointed, which made no sense.

"You speak truth." Thea dropped Tanni's hand and turned toward her work. "Neither of you are to speak of what happened tonight to anyone, ever. You are both to report to Daskala Lida for a strapping immediately. Calandra, you will be on scullery duty for three months. I will be speaking with Queen Adonia in the morning about posting guard outside your door at night to prevent further escapades. Cadet kor'Zelia, Daskala Lida will determine your penance, and tell her I said not to make it too light. And one more thing."

She turned to look at them both. Calandra shifted on her feet, refusing to glance at her friend because she knew she'd have to look past Osaze's stiff profile beside her.

"You two are no longer permitted to spend time together. If I hear or see so much as a whisper about you seeing each other outside of normal duties, Cadet kor'Zelia will be expelled. I'm sure neither of you want that to happen."

Tears pricked Calandra's sinuses. "For how long?"

Thea arched an eyebrow. "For as long as one of you is a student at the Academy. Understood?"

Calandra swallowed and nodded, her own grief matched by the turmoil of Tanni's emotions in her mind. She wanted to yell and scream about the unfairness of it all. The thought of losing access to her closest friend was worse than seeing Osaze Redeemed again. How was she supposed to Release him again on her own? It would be five more years until the bonds were taught to her.

Tanni had matching tears in her eyes. At least they had their secret bond. At least they had that.

As they walked stiffly together toward Daskala Lida's chambers to receive their punishment, Calandra said in a quiet voice, "Perhaps we did the wrong thing, telling her."

Tanni shook her head, gaze downcast. "I think she did us a favour."

Calandra swallowed. It was the harshest punishment Thea had ever dealt her. "How can you say that?"

"Can you imagine the punishment Adonia would have doled out if she didn't think Thea had dealt with this infraction severely enough? Unauthorized release is a capital offence for adults. Sure, I did it by accident and I'm only fourteen. But it could have been so much worse."

Calandra nodded thoughtfully, breathing deeply to keep her emotions in check. Now she understood. If Thea hadn't dealt so harshly with them, Tanni would most likely have been expelled and had to return to Haven. "I suppose I understand that."

Tanni shook her head again. "I'm not sure you do. One thing I've already learned about the bonds is a sklavia bond can only be Released by the one who holds it. As far as I know, what I did tonight shouldn't have even been possible."

Calandra stared at her friend, wide-eyed. "Can you imagine what Adonia would do if she found out?"

Tanni raised her eyebrows. "Why do you think Thea told us not to tell anyone?"

Calandra swallowed and stared straight ahead. Perhaps Thea had been kind, after all.

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