A special moment for Hela

Start from the beginning

She was loved here. She didn't get love from her father, from her people, neither she got any romantic love from any man in her kingdom. But here she's loved by everyone in Debbie's team. Everyone except Lou.

Her thoughts are back to Lou. She wants her daughter. She knows Lou is angry and her anger is justified. Hela wants everything to get solved. She looked at Keri in her arms. She thought of alternate universe where her daughter would be in her arms the way Keri is now. She would look after her child from her birth to present. She would definitely give her all the love and affection which she never got in her own childhood. It's the fate she thought. She never got any love, and her daughter too had same fate.

She imagined Keri as Lou and kissed her forehead. Right now she forgot about her shadow on Keri. She held Keri close to her.

I love you my baby girl

Somewhere outside near the shore, Lou felt warmth in her. She didn't know what exactly happened but she was calmed. She now was feeling good.

After almost an hour Lou and Debbie returned back. Lou now was sleepy. They went to the room and saw Hela sleeping and Keri hugging her. Debbie smiled.

"I guess I will sleep in your room"

"No Lou. You sleep here with kids"

"But there's not enough space for you"

Also Helly's here

"Honey. I won't get sleep. I'm wide awake. So you sleep, I'll be here in this chair. I have to go through our further plans so I'll be awake. You sleep hon", Debbie guided her towards the bed. Lou slept and hugged Derek.

Debbie looked at Hela. She was content. She's sure that the sudden calming of Lou while they were walking had something to do with Hela. She'll ask later. The way both are sleeping, it's so identical. Debbie smiled. Then she got her notes and started going through her plans.


It's around 7am when the kids woke up. Keri is still held by Hela while Derek is held by Lou. Keri liked Lou so naturally she liked Hela too. The similar face and attitude was appreciated by the little girl. She snuggled closer. Hela being a warrior was awake by this slightest movement.

"Oh I'm sorry darling. Did I hold you too tight?"

"No.. you are like aunt Lou"

Hela smiled and then looked at Debbie and Lou.

"Oh you both are back? Could've woken me up"

"Nah you were sleeping. So didn't feel like"

Derek tried to wake up Lou but of no use. Only Debbie can wake her up from her sleep. Debbie just smiled at how cute it was.

She slowly lifted Lou's hand and Derek was free.

"Thanks aunt Deb", he kissed Debbie's cheek, followed by Lou's and Hela's. Hela felt good and emotional.

"I'm going too", Keri said and kissed Hela, Debbie and Lou. Then she was out of their room.

"You're smiling"

"Yeah... I... It's good... Never thought I'd be loved by kids or I will be appreciating kids"

"Well you're a mother now. So it's all natural"

Hela looked at Lou, still sleeping deeply. The bangs falling on her eyes. She wanted to brush it. She almost did but stopped an inch before her bangs.

"You're her mom, you can touch her"

"I... She doesn't like me... She..."

"She loves you .. I mean her parents .. that's you... Just her anger is masking them"


"Come on mom. Just brush those damn bangs. I normally don't allow anyone else to do that to my girlfriend. You're her mom so you rightly deserve"

Hela shifted closer to Lou and lightly brushed the hair. They both could see Lou's feature relaxing. Probably she's dreaming.

Hela was about to get up when Lou suddenly curled up on her side, her hand wrapped around Hela and then placed her head on her shoulders. This was a huge moment for Hela. She's feeling overwhelmed by the emotions. She almost cried.

Debbie looked at them. She knew Lou doesn't do this to anyone. It's only with the people she loves, she snuggles. She's now happy.

"Trust me Hela... She loves you.. she doesn't do this to everyone who sleeps next to her"

Hela raised her eyebrow

"I mean to say just sleeping. I didn't mean anything else.. but yeah she doesn't hug everyone. Only those who are close to her, she hugs. And that includes me, Tammy and her kids. You too included now"

"Well she might be thinking me as Derek"

"I don't think with Derek she will place her head on his shoulders. Definitely she's dreaming, mom. And you are in that dream for sure. Probably you both reconciled"

This gave a hope in Hela. She smiled genuinely.

"Now mom, you sleep here with her. You'll feel good. Also, Lou in her unguarded form is a rare sight. So protect my wife"

Hela nodded. She held Lou securely in her arms, lightly kissed her head and then slept.


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