Lou stop thinking. Don't keep any fantasies regarding your life

"Yup. They are taking care. When will you come back?"

"Soon hon. Soon. I'll be back tomorrow evening. I miss you both so much here"

They continued their talk. Once done, the kids told they'll sleep with Lou and Debbie and they happily agreed. The kids are asleep, Lou and Debbie lightly humming.

"Whole day they'll be a headache, doing all sort of mischiefs, trying to kill each other and now look how peacefully they are sleeping. Also how cute they look"

"Hmm.. yup... They're... Too good", Lou said while kissing their foreheads.

"Never imagined Tammy to settle down, be a suburban perfect housewife with two beautiful kids"

"Not really a housewife. Her business is too much to handle for a regular housewife honey"

Debbie chuckles hearing this.

"That's true. I sometimes wonder what'll happen when Tom gets to know"

"Definitely not something Tammy will like. So better he be ignorant"

"Yeah right. Whatever it is, these kids are the best thing happened to them and they are making sure  to give them the best future, unlike my parents who only wanted me to live upto Oceans expectations"

"Or my parents who didn't even bother to..."

"Oh shit. I'm sorry"

"Don't. Not your fault"

Lou leaned, making sure not to wake up the kids and kissed Debbie.

"Good night Debbie"

"Good night baby"


Debbie as per her daily routine woke up early. She looked at the sleeping figures next to her. The kids were sleeping with a content face. But Lou... Lou's face wasn't calm. She's sweating. Her eyebrows knitted together. She's having some bad dream.

Debbie's worried and decided to wake her up. She walked to Lou's side and shook her shoulders lightly.

"Baby, wake up.. baby... Lou... Wake up.. it's a bad dream. Wake up"

Lou didn't wake up. She's not able to. In her dream she's seeing herself wearing a weird looking helmet and not so sparkly black and green combo jumpsuit and cape fighting against... Fighting against herself who was also in same attire. They are in her living room, Debbie and others standing at one corner, terrified. There are swords flying everywhere. Both her selves are hitting each other, smashing, and stabbing each other. But there's no blood. Only fighting. One is aggressive and other one's defensive. And she's also viewing this as an audience's POV in her dream. The fight's too strong and none are surrendering. It's a head to head battle. Battle of equals.

Debbie now worried, went to Hela's room to wake her up and ask for help. But when she went inside, she saw Hela in same state as Lou. She's also dreaming and her face twitching in... Anger? Confidence? Unlike Lou, Hela isn't sweating or scared.

Debbie now was in dilemma whether to wake her up or not.

Let me wake her up

She shook Hela lightly at first then not so gently. Hela woke up with a deep breath. She was about to smash the source of disturbance who woke her up, she saw Debbie.

"What you doing here?"

"Lou... Lou.. Lou's dreaming something horrible. She's... She's sweating and.. and... Not waking up... And so I came here to ask for help.. but.."

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