Chapter Two

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Captain Jean-Luc Picard sat at his desk in his ready room. A cup of Earl Grey tea sat on his desk. His fingertips were resting together as he sat there, thinking. Finally, he spoke into the computer. "Captains log, Stardate 44189.78. After negotiating a peace accord between the two leading Xyrillian families, the Enterprise is headed to the space station Deep Space Nine, a newly acquired station from the cardassians, for some much needed shore leave." Picard tapped on his computer, closing out the log, drained his cup, and exited the ready room onto the bridge. William Riker, Picard's first officer, got up from the Captains chair and moved to the empty seat to the left of it. Both men wore black jumpsuits with red tops going down the sleeves. To his right, sat Counselor Deanna Troi, wearing a dark blue jumpsuit. 

"How are we Number One?" Picard asked, sitting in the captains chair. Riker stroked his beard.

"According to Mr. Data, we should be reaching Deep Space Nine in thirty minutes," Riker said.

"Thirty point four, to be exact," Data said from the helmsman's seat. The pale skinned android continued monitoring the helm.

"Captain, we are receiving a message from Starfleet," the Klingon security chief, Worf, said to Picard.

"On screen Mr. Worf," Picard said. Worf tapped his consul. Admiral T'Lara, a Vulcan, appeared on screen.

"Admiral T'Lara, a pleasant surprise," Picard said.

"Allow us to dispense with pleasantries, Captain Picard," Admiral T'Lara said. "There is a distress beacon hailing from the Beta quadrant. As the Enterprise is the closest ship to the  Beta quadrant, you and your crew will assist the vessel."

"Is there anything about the stranded vessel you can tell us?" Riker asked. 

"Unfortunately not Commander," T'Lara said. "They sent a written message over all subspace frequencies, however it is written in a dialect Starfleet has never seen before." T'Lara tapped on her computer and the screen switched to a written message. 

"Mr. Data," Riker started.

"I have already saved the message to the computer, Commander," Data said. "I will run it through the universal translator now."

"I have sent the coordinates to the Enterprise," T'Lara said.

"Inputting the coordinates now Captain," Data said. 

"Inform me once the vessel has been reached," T'Lara said.

"Of course Admiral," Picard said. The screen switched off. Picard tapped the consul on his chair. "Engineering," Picard said.

"La Forge here," Geordie La Forge replied.

"Take us out of warp Mr. La Forge, then prepare for warp two," Picard ordered. 

"Aye Captain," La Forge said. The Enterprise dropped into real space. The Enterprise redirected. The ship jumped to warp again. 

"ETA to Beta quadrant Mr. Data?" Riker asked.

"Ten minutes Commander," Data said. They dropped into real space when they reached the Beta quadrant. A lone, knife shaped ship sat dead in space. "We have found the origin of the distress beacon," Data said.

"Inform Admiral T'Lara. Mr. Worf, send a hailing frequency," Picard ordered. A moment later, the screen blinked onto a bearded man and an alien resembling a lion, both in cream colored robes. Behind them, men in white armor painted different colors scrambled around. The lion alien was directing the armored men. 

"This is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi seeking assistance. Our engines are severely damaged and we have wounded on board," the bearded man said.

"Master Kenobi, I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise. We received your distress beacon and we are here to assist you in any way we can," Picard said. 

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