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I watched Jasmine push my little sister on the swings, trying to teach her how to swing with her legs.

"Just kick in and out as you move." Jasmine laughed to Keke.

"I got it." Keke said sticking her tongue out trying to

I go up behind jasmine and put my hands on her hip. Keke can't see us since were behind the swing.

"You good, ma?" I ask whispering into her ear.

"Yeah I'm fine, why papas?" She days as my hands massage her hips.

"Because the prophets are throwing a party tonight, I want you to come." I kiss her neck and she rolls her head back.

"Like as your girl or sum?" She asks and lays her hands on mine.

"Well duh, what else would you come as? My teacher?" I joke.

"Boy, shut up." She smacks her lips and laughing, releasing herself from my grip.

"C'mon lets go say our goodbyes and dip." I say pulling her along.

As we finish our goodbyes, hugs, and another farewells my mom pulls me to the side.

"You keep her around you hear? I like her." My mom says looking up at me.

   "I plan on it." I say giving her a hug.

"Alright well stay safe tonight." My mom says pulling away.

"I will be." I smile.

"Please baby, I can't loose you to the streets, not like I did your dad and brother." She cries.

"Trust me, you won't, I promise, well keep each other safe, deal?" I say softly.

"Deal, now get out of here." She sadly laughs and pushes me away.

The party was in full swing when me and jamie walked in. Drinking, naked girls, big clouds, loud music.

"Oh latrelle! You're here." A girl I used to fuck with smiles coming up to us with a pack of 6 beers in hand. It wouldn't have been bad if she wasn't shirtless, boobs out and all.

"Here's a beer for you and one for you." She slurs handing one to me and one to Jamie before running off.

"You know her? I'm guessing." Jamie said obviously annoyed.

"Just an old friend that's it mamas." I smile, kissing her cheek.

"Alright I guess, now get off me." Jamie Jokes pushing me back.

"Psst, you like it now let's go dance." I say pulling her outside where the party awaits.

A spectacular night spent with dancing, drugs, drinks, and divine conversation between Jamie, latrelle and, anyone else who wanted to join. As the sunset quickly turned to sunrise, Latrelle decided it was time to get him and Jamie the hell out of this place.

Is this what's its like to start to fall in love?

Latrelle asked himself in his head, confused as him a Jamie cuddled under his covers, him only wearing pajama bottoms and her wearing one of his plain black T's.

He stopped wondering these foreign thoughts and decided to live and try and understand this odd feeling blossoming inside him.

It was almost scary to him but he knew they're get through it. With each other & for each other.

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