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As the light slowly began to disappear, your surroundings became more and more clear. You couldn't believe it. You simply couldn't. You were now in the middle of a Konoha village stadium. From your both sides came two boys, who seemed your age.

They abruptly stopped seeing you just appear, their faces becoming shocked, then suspicious, and soon they were making some weird hand signs, like in sign language. Your confused state, however, soon turned into one of shock and fear, as you saw a wave of sand coming your way, starting to engulf you. You tried to run, but the different sand was holding your feet in their place. As the sand wave was closer that ever, just touching the tip of your nose, you suddenly heard a booming voice
"Stop it right this immediate!"

You looked up to see a man with a white hat that shaded his eyes and robe like clothes over his body. The wave perished, making you feel relieved. The man suddenly appeared in front of you and lead you out of the stadium, after announcing that the exam has been delayed for 20 minutes.

As you followed, you couldn't help but think how the flip did you appear here? You thought about Uraraka, Deku, Bakugo and frog girl. Realizing you still somehow didn't catch her name, you decided that would be the first thing when you'd get back there. But, for now, you should focus on this new universe or whatever this was.

You went through the village, seeing the happy people chatting and laughing made you smile as well. You saw a grand building with a fire sign on it. Going up the stairs, you went to the hokage's cabinet and the man started questioning you
"How did you suddenly show up there out of nowhere? Where exactly do you come from?"
"It's a long story," you answered sighing.

He just nodded his head like he was ready to hear all of it. You told him about your home, how you just went to sleep, about the bright light, hero academia students and teachers, the stadium and the bright green light.

He seemed to process it all thoroughly, observing every detail carefully. After a few minutes he spoke
"I think you interfered with some sort of celestial being, made it feel some way it shouldn't have ever felt. That happens quite rarely, but still. Think of something, anything, that might've caused this to happen? You tried to concentrate on that, but went back to thinking about Uraraka, Bakugou, and how you never asked that frog girl her name. And what or who was that running figure? So many questions filled your head, making you completely forget about what you had to concentrate on.

For your complete and utter surprise, the same bright light, but this time in violet color, again filled your vision, as anything else started to disappear, including the old hokage, who desperately tried to make some hand signs to stop your disappearing. You also tried to reach him, because he seemed to have some answers that you didn't have.

With no success, you came back to the previous stadium, waking in some sort of warm source. Snuggling closer to it, you noticed that the source was breathing. Walking. Alive. Quickly opening your eyes you looked in the shocked eyes of no other than Bakugou.

Is It Love? (Yandere Todoroki × F. Reader) Where stories live. Discover now