Luke nods before a big grin takes over his face. "Okay, I believe you can step up to the plate. I can get you working for me. And Stacie? You need anything you come right here. Also Becky who the hell punched you this time?" He questions. I laugh and tell Luke what happened. He wanted to give her dad a piece of his mind but I told him to forget it.

"Stacie you can stay here, as long as you need." Luke says giving her shoulder a squeeze. "Um I know this is a lot to ask but do you need a bartender at your club after I have the baby? I don't want to just be freeloading off you guys, I can start repaying you then." Stacie says as she bites her lip and looks over the three of us.

"Stacie you're welcome here, not freeloading like the delinquents. But if you want a job to help you save up after the baby I can do that." Luke offers. She smiles and nods. "Wow, you guys are amazing. I didn't realize how supportive you all are." Stacie says. Luke chuckles and wraps his arm around me and Emily. "We have each others' backs, and now yours. Which reminds me, why don't I call up some buddies and get your stuff to move you in here?" Luke suggests.

Stacie agrees and Luke calls his friends. We go Stacie's house and take a few of Stacie's belongings and put them in our spare room. Her dad was pissed at first then told us he didn't care and that she was a disappointment. Luke nearly knocked him out for that one but I was able to convince him it wasn't worth it, surprising everyone when I didn't lose my temper again. Stacie's mom pleaded with her father to make things right but the stubborn old man refused. What pissed me off the most was Stacie's sister. She didn't do shit, just watched her go.

We finally gather everything and bring it to my house. Stacie won't stop thanking us, its starting to annoy me, this is how she should be treated. She went into the spare room to sort her things out about an hour ago. I decide to knock and check in on her. "Hey how are you?" I casually ask. Stacie shrugs and falls back on the bed, closing her eyes.

"I think I'm just emotionally drained. This whole days has been insane." She says exhausted. I sit at the edge of the bed, looking at her perfect face. One question has been bothering me, what the hell are me and Stacie now? I mean, could we possibly balance a relationship? Do we even want a relationship? "Stop staring creep." Stacie says as she peaks one eye open and gives me a half smile.

"Sorry." I mutter turning away and looking around the room. "Beca?" She asks making me turn back to her. "Can you lay with me?" She asks with a shy voice. "Of course dude." I replay laying next to her, keeping some space as she turns away from me.

We lay like that for a few seconds until Stacie turns and looks over her shoulder. "Beca I meant cuddle with me. Be the big spoon asshole." She says. I roll my eyes before turning on my side. I don't really know what to do... okay truth be told I'm not a cuddler. "Beca this isn't rocket science." She says reaching behind her and finding my hand, she pulls me close to her and secures my hand around her waist.

"Geez it is like you never cuddled with a girl without sex first." She mutters. My body tenses up and I really hope she didn't notice. Of course she did because she spins around to face me. "Beca... have you had a girlfriend before?" She asks raising her eyebrow. I gulp and turn onto my back so I'm looking at the ceiling. Much easier to admit the truth without seeing her reaction.

"Ummm kinda... once. Closest I came was a fling before we moved one summer, we did the coupley shit together like cuddling and were practically dating but without the title. It was right after my mom and I was in a really bad place. I met a girl and we fell hard, I was so wasted when I was with her it was all a blur." I explain. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "I fell for her too and started to get sober for her... then she dumped me and it was just summer fling to her. I haven't spoken to her since." I tell Stacie.

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