10: Sleepless Night II

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"Well the taxi that Carmen's riding on accidentally bumps to Angelo's car."

"Okay what is that car or xi that I have heard?" says Duke Grir who are now confused on what she said.

"Ow,  car is a mechanism that you can ride.  Is like a carriage but without the help of a horse.   Taxi is also a type car but you rent it instead." Yi Ling try to explain him in a way he can understand it easily.

"Okay, continue." says Duke Grir as he pour another sake.

"Well since she already finish her studies and have a career of her own.  Carmen did what she had plan long after the communication is over and that is to woo him back."

"Why do I feel like that this Carmen is similar to you?" Duke Grir tease her even though it was obvious from her stories that Carmen and Yi Ling are the same person.

"Hmp!  Do you want me to finish my story?" Yi Ling turn her eyes upward as if irritated by his sudden interruption.

"Okay sorry,  I will shut my mouth." says Duke Grir with a smile on his face.

"Unlike the custom she grows up with, she propose to be her girlfriend on that night with fireflies surrounding them similar to this place.  It takes a lot of plan and courage when she execute it.  You know locations, how bring him there and etc...  And of course since he said that his feeling for her never fade away, he accept her proposal.  As the stories goes on... they live happily ever after but you know that kind of ending is a sh!t."  Yi Ling laughs but suddenly stop as she continue her stories.

"She thought that their feelings to each other never end.  After years of being together he suddenly become cold to her and stop all his communications.  It was as if he takes a revenge on her by doing that to him earlier... he never showed up again and that is the end of this story.  Not all stories are happy ending.  Sometimes that kind of love stories sucks that you want to kill the perpetrator but it happens in real life.  Isn't it?" Yi Ling asked Duke Grir with a sorrow in her eyes.  Even if it happens a long time ago but the hurts that leaves into her heart remains.

Duke Grir looked at her intently as if he wants to tell something to soothes the feelings of hurt she feels inside but decides not to and remain silents.

"How about I sing you song since I have the guitar with me.  It will help to lighten our mood." says Yi Ling as she picks the guitar besides her.

"Moon River, wider than a mile, 

I'm crossing you in style some day. 

Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker, wherever you're going

I'm going your way.  Two drifters off to see the world.

There's such a lot of world to see. 

 We're after the same rainbow's end-- 

 waiting 'round the bend, my huckleberry friend, Moon River and me."

As she ends the songs,  Duke Grir and Yi Ling look at each other passionately.  Slowly, Duke Grir move his face to Yi Ling and kiss her.  Both of their eyes are close as if they want to savor that kiss they shared to each other.  After the kiss end,  Duke Grir touch her face as if she was his fragile possession that he did not want to break or lose.

"Sometimes the story ends to him to pave away for right person to come along.  He will never have her as she was fated to be another persons life."  says Duke Grir as he continue to touch her face and hug her afterwards.

They continue to hug each other until Yi Ling yawns indicated the she was sleepy.

"I think we need to go back to our respective room.  I will tell you a my story next time."  Duke Grir help her stands up and pick the guitar on her lap.

"Okay goodnight Duke Grir and thanks for listening to me."  say Yi Ling as she walks back to her room.

Duke Grir look at her until she fade from his sight and returns his room while in deep thoughts.


Authors Note:

This two chapters dedicated to my father.   Sometimes they decide or say something for us but we know its for our own benefits.  I realize it as I wrote this stories.  In the Philippines, mostly the parents is the one who paid for the educations of their kids until they graduate.  To repay them, their kids needs to study seriously and with that their parents would feel inspired to work hard and provide for their educations.  I miss you papa.  I am very thankful for what you have given to us even if you are no longer around.  A life of no worries.

Another Transmigrated Story: I'll make you fallWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt