9: Sleepless night

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It's been a long day for Yi Ling and her friends.  After the performance,  the Crown Prince ask them if they can play again on the night of his birthday celebration.  He will not ask for anything and considered it as a one of the greatest gift he can received on that day.  Startled by his request, they gratefully accept it and promised 2 more songs dedicated to him on that day.  The crown prince was pleased to hear at what they said to him and afterwards, together with his comrade, they excuse themselves as they have something to do. Confirmed that they have left already, they put on another songs and discuss what they will going to play on that day.  It was already late in the afternoon and they have not yet settle on what songs to perform.  They decide to meet again tomorrow and think separately on the songs they like and discuss it with the group.

In Middle of the night...

Yi Ling can't sleep.  She keep tumbling on the covers of her bed and yet she can not manage to fall asleep.  Irritated, she stands up and get the guitar she borrowed from Hue Yin and head directly on the pavilion garden.  She likes the view there at night as there are fireflies that roamed in the garden and a few torch that lighten the place.  She also noticed that there is a full moon.  Perfect time to be inspired for a songs to play.  

Walking in good spirits,  she was surprised when she noticed that there is already a man sitting in the garden.  Yi Ling does not know who it is as she can only see the back of that man.

"Duke Grir?" she asked.

"Lady Yi Ling,  I have been waiting for you." He turns around and offer the seats beside him.  He is now drinking sake while looking in the pond beneath the moon.  She sits beside him and took the cup of sake in front of her.

"What are you doing here?  Its already late and this is a consort garden.  Are you not afraid to be caught by the palace guard?" she asked.

"Hmm, I'm staying here in palace for a few days.  My room is near here and I have a special privileged to visit the garden." says Duke Grir without looking at her.

"Oh, you truly are influential person for giving you a place to stay here." she said.

"You could say they want to persuade me." He look at her and smiled bitterly.

"Are you also have trouble sleeping tonight?  Your drinking alone and it looks like your in deep thoughts." Yi Ling put another sake into her cup and then drink it.

"Is it a good night for moon watching?  The best way to appreciate the moon is to drink with this sake." Duke Grir pour her another sake with her cup.  

"Hmm, how about story telling?  The moon is beautiful tonight and I'm in a mood for a good story." says Yi Ling.

"How about you go first.  I will tell mine later." says Duke Grir who are now facing her.

"Okay.  Fine by me.  What do you want to listen?" she asked.

"Whatever your heart wants to tell a story." says Duke Grir.

"How about a fantasy story?" she asked.

He answered her with a smile as agreement and drink another cup of sake.

"Well it happens in a different world.  Technologies are all around and its used as a day to day basic. Where all women and men are considered equal in society.   They have the same privileged to attend schools and have equal opportunities in society." Yi Ling start her story while looking into the moon.  Duke Grir look at her solemnly while listening to her stories.

"There was a girl, her name is Carmen.  She lives in an average household.  They are not rich nor poor.  Her father works in a company to support them.  Carmen loves her family so much and she was very thankful although they are not rich but lived happily with no worries in mind.  One day her brother have a visitor.  This visitor are his classmates in school and they have a project that they need to work on so he need to stay into their home for a couple of days.  Carmen did not mind that visitor as she also have schools to attend and life of her own.  One day, when the visitor no longer stay with them, she received a phone call coming from him..."

"phone call?" Duke Grir interrupted her story.

"Ah sorry.  Phone is a device that you can speak to an individual even if both you are not in the same place." she explain.

"Hmm... go on." says Duke Grir.

"Okay, she received a phone call coming from him late at night as he knows she was the only one awake at that time.  Surprised by that call but she still entertain him as he was a friend of his brother.  His name is Angelo.  The first time she see him, she find him attractive but not that to a point she fall for him." Yi Ling laugh at the end of it while she still look at the moon.

"That phone call at night continuous for a whole month as they have a lot in common and she find him very interesting to talk with.  Then one night he told her something that makes her heart fluttered.  It was the first confession she received and she does not know what to do.  She admit to herself that she starts to fall for him.  Her friends already have a lover on their own and its normal at that age to have one but still she does not know what to do with it.  How to have a relationship as she asked herself.  What are the expectations of both side... these are the things that she kept on thinking.  As if he understand her silence, he told her that he does not expect anything in return.  He just want to admit his feeling and wants to continue their friendly phone calls as if nothing happen.  Hah! As if he does not notice that Carmen starting to have a feelings for him.  She will not entertain him for a whole month if she does not have any feelings for him." Yi Ling poured another sake and drink it before she continues.

"What he says makes Carmen calm.  He says no expectation, just continue their friendly phone call.  He also request that maybe they can also have lunch together outside as he does not want to continue their friendship thru phone calls only.  Carmen agrees a lunch together as she also wants to see him in flesh."

"So what is the problem with your story?  It seems they like each other and end up together with no conflicts."  says Duke Grir who are still drinking while looking at her.  He have furrowed brows on his face as if he was irritated with her story.

"Ah! That's make you wrong.  In every relationship there is always a conflict... and this time it was her father."  says Yi Ling as she continue to drink while looking at him.

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