8: The Beginning

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"Yi Ling! There you are. I have been looking for you."  Hue Yin enter in her room without knocking into her door.  It is early afternoon and Yi Ling is too lazy to be with them in the garden.  She wants to lay down in her room and read books.

"Why?  Is there any problem?" she get up from lying and notice what Hue Yin is holding.  She was surprise to see a classic guitar.

"Wow!  You are really amazing Hue Yin!  I can not believe that you are holding guitar.  Where did you find it?  As far as I know there is only guqin and bamboo flute in this world." she take the guitar from Hue Yin and try to play it.  She was very satisfied of it sound.  It was the same from their world. 

"Of course,  I make sure that it was the same from our world.  That is not the only thing I have.  Come with me.  You will be surprise what I ask for my father to bring us in here in palace. "  She hold her hand and drag her to the garden.  There she found Fei Hong and Ying Yue who are playing a mini piano and a drum set.  All three of them scream from happiness and hug Hue Yin.  

"OMG!  I cannot believed that you can really replicate all of this instrument.  How did you do it Hue Yin!" says Fei Hong who are now sitting in a stool while hugging the drum set.  She was once a drummer in their school before she enter the police force.

"Have I not told you guys?  Our family business were musical instrument.  All of us siblings knows how to create this instruments from scratch.  Its part of our training when we were young." says Hue Yin as she recall her younger days.  She smiled bitterly because she truly miss her family back into their world.  

"What did your parents tell when you are creating this.  Did they not ask on why or how you create this?" says Ying Yue who are now playing a kid songs on a piano.

"Who?  My parents here?  I just tell them that it was my invention.  When I play it to them they just let me be because they like the sound it produce except for the drum though." Hue Yin are now adjusting the string from her guitar.  She try to strum a few strings before Hue Yin look into her friend.

"Shall we now try to play something?  Yi Ling you will be our singer."  says Hue Yin.  Before they can play one of their lady in waiting suddenly came and inform that the crown prince is here.

"Good afternoon ladies.  I'm sorry if we came here without proper invitations.  We are just passing thru when we heard noise coming from here.  May we know what the ladies are doing?" says the crown prince who are now smiling to them.  With him, there are 3 gentleman at his back.  

Hue Yin, Ying Yue, Fei Hong and Yi Ling stand up and bow a little to their crown prince.

"Your highness sorry for the noise we create.  We are now trying to play some music."  says Hue Yin.  

"Oh really.  Can we listen?  We love to hear it." the crown prince order his maid to bring all 4 of them a chair.  They are now sitting in front of them.

"Okay... can you give us a moment your highness." says Hue Yin and she wave to her friends to come with her at the far end of the garden.

"What are we going to play?  I never expect that my Uke will be here." whisper Hue Yin to her friend.

"Hmm how about contemporary love songs?  Its a good starter for them. I don't think they are ready for a heavy rock metals.  Although Nirvana is not bad." says Ying Yue who look first to Advisor Yue.

"Love songs?  Fine by me but we need to agree on what music to play." says Fei Hong.

"Do you guys know I Just fall in love again? Its an old song and its good for an early afternoon mood." suggest by Yi Ling.

"I can play it.  How about I'll start and you guys follow my beat?" says Hue Yin.

"Okay." says the three of them.

They return to their instrument and look at each other to check if they are ready before playing.

Hue Yin on  guitar.

Fei Hong on drum set.

Ying Yue on piano.

Yi Ling handles the metal tube since she is the vocal of the group.

"Dreaming, I must be dreaming

Or am I really lying here with you?

Baby, you take me in your arms

And though I'm wide awake, 

I know my dream is coming true

And, oh, I just fall in love again

Just one touch and then it happens every time

And there I go, I just fall in love again and when I doI can't help myself, I fall in love with you

Magic, it must be magic

The way I hold you and the night just seems to fly

So easy for you to take me to a star

Heaven is that moment when I look into your eyes

And, oh, I just fall in love again

Just one touch and then it happens every time

And there I go, I just fall in love again and when I do

I can't help myself, I fall in love with you, you, you, oh

And, oh, I just fall in love again

Just one touch and then it happens every time

And there I go, I just fall in love again and when I do

I can't help myself, I fall in love with you"

After the song ended, all 4 gentleman astonished at what they hear.  They have never heard that kind of music before.  It was as if they are listening to heavenly sounds that even though it ended they still feel the goosebumps.

It was Crown Prince who broke the silence.  He stands up and clap incessantly.  The 2 gentleman followed after they see the crown prince.  Only Duke Grir who remain at his seat with a grim on it face.  Ying Yue smiled at him after she sings but get a surprise when she look at him.  She feels like Duke Grir is furious at her.

Another Transmigrated Story: I'll make you fallजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें