"Okay, come find me when you want to talk." he said, running off.

There's something about him. He just seems so familiar.

I got up and walked towards the place where people were eating. I got strange looks as I walked by and a few whistles but I ignored them.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a boy around my age, however old I was, cooking food.

"Are you Frypan?" I asked. He turned around and saw me.

"Why yes I am. What can I do for ya?" he replied.

"Well I was told that this is where I get food." I said.

"Ah. I'll fix ya a plate." he said. He gave me a plate of meat and potatoes. "Here ya go."

"Thanks." I said. I took the plate and brought it outside to a table. I found an empty one and sat in it. I slowly ate my food as I sat there.

Soon I was joined by another boy who decided to sit next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly. He laughed.

"Well, shuck. Can't a guy just simply sit at a table and enjoy his meal?" Minho teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Not if they're assholes." I said, taking a bite out of my food.

"What's an asshole?" he asked.

"What's a shank?" I asked. He shrugged.

"What's your name? I never caught it." he said.

"That's cause I never threw it." I joked. He chuckled. We sat there and ate for a while.

"Amy." I said. He looked confused.


"That's my name you shank." I smirked. He smiled.

"Already using Glade language, are we? Well, that's a nice name." he said.

"Thanks."I said. Then I thought about something. "What do I look like?"

"What'd ya mean?" he asked.

"Well, I've never actually seen myself before. I have no Idea how old I am. I don't know anything." I said. He sighed.

"Well, I'd say you're about my age. About 17 or 18. You've got light brown hair. Brown eyes. A beautiful smile." he said, making me smile. "There it is."

"And this may sound a little weird but, you kind of look like Alby but a beautiful girl version. And your skin is slightly lighter. I'd say you could be siblings." he said. I huffed.

"I hope not. He's such a dick." I said, he raised his eyebrows again at my language. "You'll get the hang of it."

"So why did you want to be a runner so bad? You got some kind of death wish or somethin'?"

"I don't know. I just felt so free when I was running. And it felt like something was pulling me toward the maze. I just knew I wanted to be a runner." I said truthfully.

"Well, the runners are the best of the best here at the glade. You gotta be tough and fast."

" Are you saying I'm not either of them?" I countered.

"No. I'm pretty sure you're the fastest of any of us. And tough as hell. I mean the way you stood up to Alby like that. I think you scared the klunk  outta him." Minho laughed.

"Well he deserved it. They were planning on locking me up in 'The Slammer'. They think I'm an enemy because of the note thingy." I said quietly.

"Well, I don't see why. You don't look like you would cause no trouble. Just give em time. They're come round." he said. I smiled.

"You know, you're not so bad." I said. He smiled.

"I guess you're not too bad either shank." he said. I groaned.

"Don't call me that. Just call me Amy." I said.

"Okay, Amy. And you just call me Minho." he said. I nodded.

"So, what's it like out there. In the maze." I asked. He stopped eating and looked at me.

"You really wanna go out there don't ya?" I nodded. "Well, all I can say is that its probably the scariest, most tiring thing you'll ever experience in your life. Especially with the Grievers and all. You not only have to worry about finding a way out, but you gotta worry about stayin' alive and makin' it back before the doors close."

"And what if you don't make it back before the doors close?"

"Then you're basically dead. No one's survived a night in the maze. They all turn up dead."

"How come you're answering all my questions?" I asked. I had been wondering it for a while now. He's told me everything I've asked.

"I don't know. I guess I feel like I can trust you." he said. "Can I trust you?"

"Of course."

"Do you trust me?" he asked. I thought for a second.

"Yeah, I guess I do trust you."

Run With Me (The Maze Runner, Minho ) (OH HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now