Rayne started attacking Kamui with some kind of water whip but to no avail, it only grazed Kamui's cheek. He didn't bother to dodge it. Rather, he seem more calm of the situation.

"That was just a warning, boy! As you can see, I control water and I won't hesitate to submerge you in it. That is, unless you back off of Abi," she snarled. Kamui did nothing but chuckle darkly.

"It's true your name suits you, but you're power is too refined for such a spoiled old witch like yourself. You don't even know the full extent of your ability. How pathetic can you get?" he mocked and his black wings appeared. "Allow me to give you fear so you'll know your own place." Kamui's black feathers scattered around Rayne causing her to scream. 

"I cant see! I can't see!" she yelled. "Of course you can't. If I want, I can send you to a world in complete darkness!" Kamui menaced. The moment he raised his hand, I knew I had to stop him before he could do any worse. I instinctively grabbed his hand and the feathers around Rayne stopped. "Kamui, enough!! You'll hurt her!" I intervened. 

"You would defend her!?" he yelled glaring at me. This won't end well. "No! From what Rayne knows, you're just an unruly kid that have no business in royal domains," I defended.

"So now you think I'm an unruly kid! Tell me, Miyabi, what else do you think!?" he yelled in anger.

"You're wrong!! I just-"

"You know what, Miyabi, forget it!!" Kamui said pulling back his wings and dispelling the feathers surrounding Rayne. "Have fun with your ROYAL girlfriend!" he yelled attempting to leave the room. Before he took another step, I took a hold of his wrist. "Wait, Kamui! That-"

"Let go!!!" he yelled with electricity flowing from his hands. I winced, pulling away from him. When I looked up, he already left.

In anger, I punched the wall. "Dammit!!"

I turned my head to Rayne who seem to gasping for air. I was more than angry with her. I was PISSED!!

"What the hell were you thinking!? I told you I was with Kamui thousands of years ago!! Why do you continue to persist in marrying me!?" I yelled trying to hold in the flames from my anger.

"Well what's so good about that kid anyways, huh!? A kid like that is nothing but trouble! He is nothing but a mon-" I slapped her across the face before she finished that word.

"Don't you even DARE to call Kamui a monster! He is more our kind than you will ever be!" I said darkly.

I sighed looking at Rayne's tear-filled face as she covered her reddened cheek with her hand. "You want to know why I chose Kamui over you? Simple- He didn't care about the theatrics of royalty. He's the type to tease you but one that would never betray you for status nor wealth. It may sound cliche to you but he loves me for me and sees only me. Thanks to you, I'll have to straighten up this misunderstanding," I said grimacing at the last sentence. I walked to the door to leave the room but Rayne took hold of my arm. 

"W-Wait! You can't just leave! I love you just as much as that brat does! No, even more!!" she smiled desperately.

I shook my head in disappointment. "No. Annoying is what you are. I know I'm just taking a gander at this, but you most likely acted on your own and approached this castle, leaving your father worried out of his mind. Am I right?"

"N-No! Of course, I-I had Father's permission," she stuttered. Liar.

"Then I suppose you wouldn't mind if I call him. I'm sure he would love to know where his daughter snuck off to," I smirked, releasing her grip from me. She just stood there frozen. "I expect you to be out of this castle by the time I return or else you'll face a punishment a lot worse than what your father will have planned for you."

I walked out of the room, keeping my composure while trying to search for Kamui. I just hope he won't stay mad for long.......


Akuouji's POV

"It would seems you two have failed to bring Kamui here," I said in disappointment. "I see you're as incompetent as ever!!"

"Please forgive us! He's more unruly than you think," The Accuser pleaded.

"Yeah and the guy he's with is no better. He is Prince of the Netherlands. Kamui seems attached to that man," Snake claimed. These two have been working undercover for the longest and they're as useless as ever.

"Enough!! I will not tolerate your excuses any longer. Snake, I told you earlier not to harm my precious Kamui and yet you have left scars all over his body. Though those scars can heal, you still chose to disobey me and inflict them!" I declare in anger. I turned to The Accuser then. "And you! You practically made his whole kind near extinction. He is the last one left and you did the worst by mocking their pride. You two underestimated Kamui and now you will pay the price!" I exclaimed as my eyes grow darker.

"Wait!" the one on my right called out.

"What is it now!?" I sighed. 

"Don't waste your energy on them. Let me do it," he offered.

"Yeah, why waste your time on trash like them anyway," the one to my left called.

"Fine. Dispose of them how you wish," I said walking out of the main hall. I chuckled lightly, hearing the horrific screams coming from those idiots. 

Soon Kamui, you will be mine, like it or not.

I would say this chapter is short but interesting none the less. At least it get to the point. Nothing much to say but THANX 4 READING!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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