The Revealed Truth

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HEY! HEY! Sonic's back after such a long time. I guess I could upload Miyabi's picture on this one. The other one had failed to upload on a different chapter so I'm doing his on this one. Now back to the story. Oh Escapade, sorry I haven't been able talk to you much. I've been busy lately so this one will be for you.

Kamui's POV

I turned around to see Miyabi's face in shock for some reason. I know my hair grew back but why was he so surprised? He was the one to send me back to this world?...No it was someone else but Miyabi DID send me back to this castle. I grew angry at whoever did this, but I was even angrier at Miyabi for sending me here in the first place. Now he might be in danger.

I stumbled my way to him bruised and angry and pulled on the collar of his shirt in frustration. I punched him on the face sending him flying. "WHY!? Why did you send me here!? Do you realized what you've done!!?" I yelled as tears start to form in my eyes. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND ME ANYWAYS!?!?" Miyabi rubbed his cheek in shock then he got up walking to me. He put his palm on my cheek, caressing it. "It was your scent of the forest. No one else smell like that but you," he cooed.

Miyabi's face turned sour. His face was neither angry or sad. He was worried. "Kamui, what happened that made you so full of fear?" he thought. When I was about to respond, he pulled me close to him and hugged me tightly. I was crying while trying to break from his grip. "I'm sorry, Kamui. I should have been with you at all times. It's my fault I let you go. I should have held on tighter," he said in regret. I pulled myself away from Miyabi aggressively and stepped back.

"What would you know!? You haven't been what I've been through throughout these years! Sure, you may have been scorn in town but I can't even turn to anybody for help because they might kill me!?" I yelled.

Miyabi walked closer to me as I moved back. In the end, I was backed up against a tree and he was inches away from my face. "I know but what I don't know is why you left that time. I was heartbroken when you left and when I saw you in the Earth Realm, I was overjoyed to see you again. When I went to talk to you, you didn't seem to remember me at all. What happen to make you forget these past thousands of years. Tell me. Why did you leave me? And please don't run away," he asked.

I turned my head away from him, looking at the ground. I grumbled at what I should do. Should I tell him the truth? If I do, will he be angry with me? Eventually, I gave up. "I'm sorry, Miyabi for lying to you for all this time," I cried. "The truth is 7,000 years ago, before you, Ai, and Raiden came to me looking worried, a guy with different colored eyes and blue and black hair appeared to me and said for me come to him or your life and everyone esle's will be endangered."

"But that's-."

I raised my hand for him to stop talking. "Let me finish. After I left the castle, I erased my own memory and lose all traces of my presence to keep everyone safe and away from me and transported myself to a distant realm many worlds from here. During the time I lost my memory, I studied the ways of the world, how people interact and how changes develop so I may discover rare items of my own. During the Technological Era, that was when you found me but I couldn't remember anything and when I was sent back to this realm I treated you harshly even though deep down I knew feelings of this place were still lingering. For that, I am sorry," I said remorsefully.

I didn't bother to look at Miyabi but I could hear him grit his teeth. He deserves to be angry with me after what I did but what I didn't expect was the hug he gave me. "Wh-Why?" I asked shocked by his actions.

"I don't care what you've did in the Earth Realm, just don't ever leave me alone like that again!!" he demanded. "Whatever it is, we'll deal with it together. I won't let you handle this on your own anymore. Please, even just a little, rely on me whenever you feel you can't handle it anymore." Miyabi hugged me tighter as I cried in relief. I was still bruised up bad but I didn't care. It was warm, his hug. I nuzzled my face on his chest as I start to doze off.

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