Kimihiro Miyabi

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Yay!! Chapter 4!! This chapter will mainly be focused on Miyabi so it works out just fine. Anyway here's the story. To the special two people who read this story: You know who you are, keep pushing me to write this story because I AM LAZY. Love you lots!!!

Miyabi's POV

Dammit, dammit, dammit!

How could he just forget like that!? I stormed out of the library and headed for the backyard garden. I thought it would be better if I could clear my head. To my avail, it didn't. It just made me downright sad. If I don't find a way to get Kamui's memory back, I wouldn't know what I'd do.

While I was walking in the garden, I heard someone shout my name. "Prince Miyabi, Prince Miyabi!!" they called. I turned to see three children come my way. They were half my size and don't have names as of yet.

"What's the matter, children?" I asked them picking a child up on my shoulders forgetting my frustration.

"Can you tell us a story?" one of them asked while jumping up and down.

"Yeah, tell us how the light met the raven," the one on my shoulders suggested.

I closed my eyes for a second. "Sure. Why not. Let's go up ahead in the forest," I said as we held hands.

As we walked, it got darker but we didn't go too far in the dark. It was dark enough for me to use my flames but light enough for the children to see their way back.

"Sit down, children. I'll tell you the story." The children sat down in anticipation as they watched my red flames turn to a lavender color.

"Once upon a time, there was a simple lonely light with no one to talk to. The light only shine brighter and brighter for if anyone was to come near it they would be either burnt or blinded. Everyone feared the light so no one came near it. One day, a traveling raven came across. The raven flew by the light and one of its wings were injured. Before the raven fell from the sky, the light guided the raven to safety and landed it on its feet.

'Thank you for saving me,' the raven said. The light was confused for the light never been thanked for anything before so instead of saying you're welcome, the light simply asked, 'Do you think you can fly?'.

The raven shook it's head. 'It will take weeks to fly again,' he replied sullenly. 'Well, do you have a home to go to?' the light asked. 'No. I'm alone. No one cares for a strange existence who shouldn't have been born. They even went all their way to try and kill me. So I flew off to find a place where I'll be accepted.' The light seemed sad at the thought then he finally came to a decision. 'Why not stay with me? People fear me because I hurt them. I don't mean to but because of that they won't at least try to get to know me. You're the first person who have spoke to me yet I've burnt you, so I both thank you and apologize.' The raven was awestruck and tried to touch the light but the light retreated. 'If you touch me you'll get hurt again,' was what the light said. The raven only smiled. 'So people fear you so much that you even fear yourself. Don't worry, you'll only need a little help controlling your light to help others.' The raven touched the light and it didn't hurt him or blind him. Instead, the light felt the raven's warmth. The light smiled for the first time in his life for he finally found a friend.

Weeks went by and the light controlled his ability and made other friends and the raven was able to fly again. When the light saw the raven fly, the light became mesmerized by the raven's true beauty, the light fell in love with the raven and the raven loved the light in return. A few weeks later, the light noticed the raven acting out of the ordinary. 'What's wrong, love?' the light finally asked. The raven was in tears. 'I'm sorry. I have to leave soon. I wish I could stay but...' 'Then stay. No one will harm you here. I'll protect you with my life,' the light declared but it was no use. 'I'm sorry. I will always love you,' was the last thing the raven said before it flew away.

The light was heartbroken for a week before deciding to chase after the raven. The light spent thousands of years searching for the raven and even went through different worlds. The light began to lose hope in the last world until he saw the same feathers of the raven he loved. At first the light followed the raven around but when the light finally decided to talk to the raven, he didn't seem to remember the light. Devastated, the light was determined to bring the light back but what the light didn't expect was that the raven was already being forced into their world, but by who? The light reached out for the raven but was sucked into the space as well.

When the light came to, he saw the raven. The light was so happy to see the raven again but since the raven had no memories of him, the light didn't know what to do. Outside, the light seemed calm, cool, and collected but on the inside, the light was terrified and sad that he didn't know what happened to the raven to forget about the light.

So as time fly by, the light was still clueless but still loved the raven with all his heart. The light won't stop until his beloved's memories are returned and they are together once and forevermore."

Once I finished the story, I noticed a tear fell down from my cheek. I glanced at the children who appear to be confused. "Why are you crying, Prince Miyabi," one of them asked. I wiped the tear away and smiled at the children. "It's nothing. Now, let's get back to the light.

On the way back to the garden, one child said, "I think your story is sad." I glanced down at the child. "How so?"

"Well, the light's loved one is back but doesn't remember him. The light seems like he's in the turmoil of emotion and deep down he's still sad even though the raven is still with him," the child replied.

This one is smart. I nodded at what his answer was when I heard, "Hey, don't you think there's more to the story?" It was the one on the right side of me.

"Well, that's because the story has yet to be finished. There are still trials yet to overcome." I replied.

"How?" they asked.

"When the story's finished, you'll understand."

By the time I finished talking, we were already out of the forest and into the garden. "Hey, who's that?" one child asked. "He's pretty," said another. I looked up to see what they were talking about. Those black wings. That scent of the night. Those eyes that pierces even the coldest of hearts. "Karasu Kamui," I said out loud.

Kamui looked at me straight in the eye. "There you are. I was looking for you. Ah, who are they. Yours?" he said looking at the children. I blushed at the thought. "N-NO!! They're orphans I've taken in," I blurted out. For some reason, I saw Kamui give off a relieved expression. I smirked.

"Why do you look relieved? Do you want me to make you one?" I whispered so only Kamui could hear while touching his stomach. He turned beet red. I thought it was kind of cute of him especially for someone who can kick my ass in less than a second.

"NO!! Stop that crap! You know I hate it when you tease me like that!" he said. I was surprised at what he just said. How?

"How did you know I used to tease you like that?" From the looks of his widen eyes, it seems he came to a sudden realization.

"I....don't....know," he stammered. He was holding his head in pain. Before he passed out, I grabbed him by the waist and carried him bridal style. "Dammit. You always go to the extreme for information," I mumbled.The children stared me for a while. "What?"

They children grinned. "You like him, don't you?" I turned as red as my hair. "That's none of your business," I managed to say before sending Kamui to my room.

Chapter 4 is done and I'll probably add more POVS to the story to make it interesting but not confusing. I already left you in suspense on how Kamui lost his memories and I'm not telling ANYTHING. Hehehehehe...... but I will the you that the next chapter will be Kamui's POV after Miyabi stormed out...

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