Happy April Fools (+got tagged) (+art)

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(This chapter is a jumbled mess, but just ignore that.)

Mom: It's April Fools today, watch out at school.

Me: Yeah I know.

Mom: ... You know... Actually...

Mom: You're so quiet and serious at school, you could probably say anything and they would believe you.

Me: You've given me too much power.

Anyways, have a fun April Fools day.

Oof. Not much art today, sorry.

^heres a quick Spirit doodle

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^heres a quick Spirit doodle. She's a fluffy bean.

Also: I was tagged. By Artemisinn.
Thanks buddy!

(Sorry, I know it's super blurry)

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(Sorry, I know it's super blurry)

What town did you grow up in?
Considering I still live here, I don't want to give my location out to the entire internet.

What is your eye color?
Blue/gray. Sometimes they look green, idk man.

What is your favorite season of the year?
Winter. I would say fall, but I live in Kansas, and that's Tornado season so no thanks.
I hate summer, it gets too hot. I'm not built to survive in 100 degree weather.

What's your birthday?
January 18th! I know a few people with the same birthday as me, both irl and online.

What was your first kiss?
I've never kissed anyone. I don't want to. Kissing is gross.

What do you smell like?
(I had to)

What do people like the most about you?
People say I'm nice and really humble I guess? But na, I'm just quiet and scared of offending people.

What do people tease you about?
Most of what I'm teased for has to do with either my SAD or APD... which might seem mean but I know my family and friends don't mean to be rude. Once I got past that I realized stuff was pretty funny.

How many languages to you speak?
I'm fluent in sarcasm and weirdness.

Would you rather hug or kiss?
Neither. Back off or lose a limb.
(I don't mind hugging too much, if it's from a friend or family member.)

What's your favorite color?
Cerulean Blue
Crimson Red
Shamrock Green
*Every other color that isn't neon*
Never ask an artist their favorite color.

Are you pretty, cute, or hot?
Neither, but the Oxford comma in that sentence is looking pretty toasty.

What are you doing right now?
I'm working on AP art at school. Like I've been doing. For the past two hours. I'm taking a break right now.

I'm supposed to tag 15 people, but I'm really uncomfortable tagging people, so do whatever you want. Keep the anarchy to a minimum and I don't care.

This was totally not a filler chapter.


I'm going to go hide in a corner and cry because Pewdiepie has lost and life no longer has meaning.
Happy April Fools to T-Series.
We got em.

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