"Ooooh really?" I tug away from him and make my way out the door with Jake following close behind. 

"I'm done with this conversation Jake." I take out my phone and try to find Alex's number to go home. He's somewhere in that house, but I'm not willing to go back in. 

"You make it sound like you are so close with him." I notice the sharp tone in his voice making me look at him warily. 

"I am." He starts to laugh at this causing me to exhale and find Alex's number even faster.

"Well. Let me in you on a little secret. You're not." I shake my head and continue to look through my phone until I find it and start calling. "You're going to be pretty single soon."

I listen to the phone ring for the third time until Alex picks up. He said he wasn't going to drink at this party. I really hope he didn't. "Hey Alex. I'm ready to go. Meet me out-"

"Look I'm sorry. . .drunk thoughts are dumb ass thoughts. Let's have another drink."

"What?" Obviously if any one of us takes another drink we'll be so far gone we won't even be able to count our fingers. My head is just beginning to clear up. 

"I really don't-"

"You owe it to me. . .and the guys you know." I hear Alex saying hello multiple times on the phone as I stare down Jake with a passive-aggressive look. Honestly, I don't know what his end game here is and it's putting me a little on edge. His hand falls on the top of my phone screen as he presses the hang up button causing me to grimace. "One more drink?" He asks with a little smile making me unbelievably annoyed at the fact that I can't say no. Even after what he just said to me.

". . .Fine. One more. That's it."


Christian's P.O.V

I hear my phone vibrate, but I'm too tired to reach it. As soon as it stops I turn around on my bed trying to get comfortable again until it begins to vibrate again. I moan in a very loud mumble not wanting to answer it. Sleep hadn't come to me in weeks and now that I can finally will myself to sleep someone wants to call me repeatedly? After the third vibration I decide to pick it up and answer it not bothering to even look who called. 

"Hello?" I mumble in a very sleepish voice. At first, I hear nothing but people laughing and giggling in the background and music playing lowly in the background.Then after a couple seconds I hear a very drunk Alex on the phone. 

"Christiaaaaan!" I close my eyes at how loud and breaky his voice is causing me to glare like anyone can see it. How did this guy even get my number? "Your boyfriend needs a ride. No don't hug me! Go hug Stephanie, Anthony. Anyway, he's dead drunk and I was supposed to be the DD(designated driver) but he coersed me to drink!" I sigh at this and mumble an ok.

"Just. . .just text me the address." I say as my voice still completely filled with sleep. I blink a couple times trying to get use to the darkness of my room. As soon as they begin to adjust I get up from my bed and head towards my light switch. Of course I would lose the little bit of sleep I was ever going to get. For what? 

To get him from. . .I'm guessing a party he never even bothered to tell me about. As of right now I'm too tired to care. It's three in the morning and I'm exhausted. Swim practice was long and it left me feeling unbelievably sore. It's to be expected though. He's so. . .him. I moan out my reluctance as I yawn. 

I should just leave him stranded. What is he even doing there? He said "the party life doesn't interest  me anymore" in his exact words. I grab a random shirt out of my closet along with a jacket and quickly put them on. It hugs a little tighter than what I usually like, but I honestly don't care right now. I pick up my keys and wallet and head out my room down the stairs as quietly as possible. 

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now