Meet The Liat Family

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OC and her family names origins and meanings

Devira: meaning: sanctuary, scared place [refers to a holy place in the Jerusalem Temple] origin: christian

Nevaeh: Heaven spelled backwards

Liat: meaning: "you are mine" origin: Hebrew pronounced lee-AHT)

Matthias: meaning: the gift of the Lord origin: Greek

Xoana: meaning: God is merciful origin: Hebrew

Nathaniel: meaning: gift of God; God has given origin: Hebrew

Devira Nevaeh Liat and her brother Matthias and sister Xoana and their father Nathaniel have only ever had each other, their parents and GOD.... it was their job to take care of God when he/she came to Earth for a "break" from Heaven.... the angels have heard ABOUT her family but they didn't know anything about them who they were, what their names are, what they look like to the angels they are known as the "caretakers" they provide God with lodging mostly they don't follow him/her around and make sure that he/she doesn't come into any sort of harm God lived a humble life not a rich one when he/she came to Earth in human form and for some reason God took an extra special liking to Devira and gave her an extra special gift.... Dev.... as her friends and family call her.... is the only human who has ever seen God's "true form" and has been able to speak with him/her without having her mind cave in and heart explode just by listening to it God never speaks using his/her mouth when she talks to Dev it is not known HOW she understands him/her she just does perhaps it's in God's eyes that she can sense what he/she is saying who knows.... but God his/her-self..... when Dev turned 20 Dev felt the presence of an angel watching over her a presence that made her blush without a true reason to do so and her body feel warmer than it normally did.... and perhaps wet in a certain area if you catch my drift.... it was her "secret" that she kept from God though she suspected he/she knew anyway as God always does.... even though she has never fallen in love Dev has dated throughout the years mainly so that her family would not wonder if there was something wrong with her she was very particular as to how "close" those she dated could get to her and where and or how he could touch her but this unseen presence she felt was different she knew what she felt for whoever it was.... she had never met him in person.... was wrong.... since he is an angel and she is a human and from what she understood such pairings were against God's laws/rules but she couldn't help it her heart raced everytime she felt his soft eyes on her and she had a feeling that he may feel the same way about her as she does him.... a month or so around her 30th birthday when she didn't feel his presence at all and it made her feel lonely and if it wasn't for her family distracting her from such an emotions.... love and loneliness of and for the unknown/unseen.... she might not have been able to handle them....

Devira feels a familiar presence within the Mexican Restaurant she sometimes works at suddenly appear while she was taking someones order she hears the snap of someones finger and looks up to see a man with dark brown hair and light brown/hazel ey...

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Devira feels a familiar presence within the Mexican Restaurant she sometimes works at suddenly appear while she was taking someones order she hears the snap of someones finger and looks up to see a man with dark brown hair and light brown/hazel eyes looking over at her as though ready to order and she walks over to take said order what she didn't realize was that that very man was the one who made her heart race and her body feel quite odd "Dos tequilas, por favor y un vaso vacío"  the man says in a deep smokey voice that made her skin tingle and body quiver as though aroused "sì"  she replies and she feels the woman the man came with touch her arm which makes her hide a smile she knew the woman sat with an angel and guess that it was the woman's first time doing so.... and since she didn't feel his presence a few seconds ago she figured he transported them there "gracias señora"  the man says and she walks away feeling the eyes of the man on her watching her every move which oddly enough felt very familiar and that is when she knew that it was him.... the angel she fell in love with without ever seeing much less meet him before.... "shit!"  she whispers to herself and she could have sworn she sensed the man smile at her.... she walks back to the table a little while later with his order "ah gracias"  the man says as soon as Dev walks over and sets the glasses and a bottle of tequila down "de nada"  Dev replies then she whispers pointing to the bottle and his companion "you look like you're going to need it"  the man chuckles softly.... she could feel his eyes on her and it made her blush.... quite noticeably I might add.... needless to say it was a light blush but a blush none the less.... she could sense his desire to keep her there but he also fought that desire because he had a job to do and she walked away before he could change his mind.... though they did have to meet once more and deal with the check.... Metatron was surprised that she only put down the order for the glass and not the whole bottle he tried to pay for the entire thing but she didn't seem to be hearing him "you only asked for a glass I'm slightly new here and tend to bring the bottle anyway just in case and from the looks of things you only drank what was in the glass so why would I make you pay for something you didn't drink?!.... besides this gives me a good excuse to take this to my father after work... it isn't his favorite but it'll do"  the girl tells him Metatron had always wondered what people meant when they said "she has the voice of an angel"  and now he knew her voice is soft, sensuous, dulcet, serene a voice he could listen to all day given the chance "I'm Devira Liat by the way.... usually the server tells the customer their name.... well their first name anyway.... but I didn't really do that.... better late than never I suppose"  she introduces herself as he pays for the tequilas at first Metatron was surprised but then he smiles and replies "I'm the Metatron"  his skin tingles as their hands touch during the exchange of cash and she smiles then says "though I'd love to stay and chat I'm sure you have plenty to do.... it was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again some day"  he whispers to himself as she walks away "me too".... Devira doesn't see him again until a few weeks later at a train station in New Jersey this time they actually bumped into one another Devira could have sworn she felt the area that is anatomically impaired as a Ken doll throb as though what should be there had hardened in excited arousal she could even feel his the muscles of his chest underneath his suit either flex or quiver to the feeling of her body up against his he stares down at her she stares up at him and they get lost in one another's eyes until she hears her brother call out "Dev!"  the man looks up at her brother then back down at her as she replies "coming...."  then she says teasingly to the man before her in a soft alluring tone "we'll have to dance again some other time.... he does seemed to like the "troubled" ones doesn't he?!"  she says in a low voice as her body brushes up against his as she walks away and she could feel him try to control his wings as they threaten to expand and a small smile threatens to slide up her lips.... it took Metatron awhile to figure out what she meant by what she said before she left and he began to wonder how she knew.... what he was.... who he "worked" for and a small smile slides up the corner of his lips as he walks over to the table where the Sion, the apostle and the prophets were already sitting waiting in confusion as to how they got there.... as she reached her brother's side Dev sensed an emotion she never thought an angel would ever have.... jealousy.... the man was jealous of her brother!?!.... why?!?.... 

Even though she wasn't PHYSICALLY there Devira "helped" God clean up the mess her trouble making Angels.... namely Bartleby and Loki.... made God even asked for Dev's opinion on what he/she should do with the two men and her answer surprised him/her.... "there is a little thing known as a door you know.... learn how to use it.... God you're so annoying!.... and I mean that quite literally"  Dev teases playfully as soon as God shows up in her room with a large grin on her face God sits on the edge of Dev's bed "you want my opinion on what to do with angels I never met or got to know?!"  Dev asks God nods still smiling "from what I could sense from them Bartleby actually became darker towards the end.... he caused the most damage at the church but Loki he started to see "the error of his ways" so to speak he became lighter.... I'm not really sure what your usual punishments for misbehaving angels are and we can both see that sending them to Wisconsin for all eternity didn't do them much good...."  Dev replies God smiles as though she was chuckling as Dev continues "but they were also basically still angels while down here so they.... I suppose you could say they didn't get the "full experience" of what it's like to truly be human they still saw things in their own "angelic light".... so maybe giving them a chance to live as a human.... to actually see things from "our point of view" might help them understand "both sides" if and or when you allow them back home.... or send them on another permanent vacation.... and if you do allow them a "taste of the human life" perhaps you could let them live it all the way through.... from birth to death cause at their age I'm pretty sure the only thing that would be on their human/angel mind is sex.... and that doesn't teach anyone anything.... for many sex is a game.... a toy.... "fun" it isn't what it's meant to be.... if it's meant to be anything"  God looks at her with a tone that asks "really?!" tilting her head while raising her eyebrow then smiling "not having sex with someone I didn't love was my choice unlike others I WANT it to mean something more than what it's being represented as now adays...." Dev tells God "though I do wonder.... how did you expect a person who hung around nothing but death his entire life to act?!.... did you ever let him see the "gift" that you call life for himself?!.... or is their life a "one job and one job alone" kind of living?!.... I don't know how you see it but death can be kind of depressing.... and being the cause of so much death.... that had to take a toll on him in a much bigger and deeper way than any of the other angels.... it's no wonder he got drunk Dev mutters her last sentence making God chuckle....

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